
智能温控夹克的服装接口设计与综合评价 被引量:1

Garment Interface Design and Comprehensive Evaluation of Intelligent Temperature Control Jacket
摘要 为研究智能服装的接口以满足用户对温控服装的需求,开发了一款智能温控夹克,并验证接口的可用性和接受度。使用织物开关和移动App作为加热系统的控制接口。接口的设计以用户为中心,遵循从纸面原型到实际原型的路线。其中,织物开关接口设计了4个按钮,按钮颜色直观清晰。为降低误操作的可能性,增加了按钮间距。在移动App接口的设计中,优化了图标位置和大小,以方便右手用户使用和单手操作的习惯。评估原则共7条,即尼尔森十大原则中的5条和根据实际情况制定的2条。综合分析表明,提出的智能服装织物开关、移动App接口以及混合使用接口,其可用性和接受度均比一般商用接口更高。 In order to study the interface of intelligent clothing and cater to the demand of consumer for temperature-controlled clothing, an intelligent temperature-controlled jacket was developed, and the usability and acceptance of the interface were verified. Fabric switch and mobile App were used as the control interface of heating system. The design of the interface is user-centered and follows the route from paper to actual prototype. Four buttons were designed for fabric switch interface, the color of the button was intuitive and clear. In order to reduce the possibility of misoperation, the button spacing of pattern design was added. In the design of mobile App interface, the location and size of icons were optimized to facilitate right-handed users and one-hand operation habit. There are seven principles of evaluation: five came from Nielsen's Ten Principles and two were proposed based on the actual situation. Comprehensive analysis shows that the proposed smart clothing fabric switch, mobile App and mixed-use interface have achieved higher user satisfaction and acceptance than the general commercial interface.
作者 孙雅楠 SUN Yanan(Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi'an 710065, China)
机构地区 西安美术学院
出处 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期688-694,共7页 Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划资助项目(17JK0577) 西安美术学院人文社会科学研究项目(2015XKO18)
关键词 智能服装 接口 织物开关 尼尔森十大原则 移动App intelligent clothing interface fabric switch Nelson's ten principles mobile App
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