基于动作和姿势的惯性测量设备(IMU)正迅速成为许多消费电子设备的关键性元件。InvenSense是率先提供运动接口解决方案的公司。本文介绍了InvenSense IMU系列,包括六轴、七轴和九轴IMU系列,以及其专利CMOS-MEMS制造平台,最后简介了传感器综合开发工具包Smartmotion■智能运动平台。
The motion sensing devices based on the action and posture are rapidly becoming key components in many consumer electronics fields. TDK InvenSense is the first company providing sports interface solutions in the world. The IMU series from TDK InvenSense are introduced in this paper, including six-axis, seven-axis and nine-axis IMU series. The patent CMOS-MEMS manufacturing platform is presented too. Finally the TDK SmartMotion Platform is introduced briefly, which is a comprehensive development kit for InvenSense IMU devices.
Sensor World