
小句主位结构分析及其英汉互译技巧——以英汉基本句型为例 被引量:1

The Theme-Rheme Structure Analysis and the Translation Skills for English and Chinese Sentence Patterns——A Case Study of English and Chinese Basic Sentence Patterns
摘要 英语和汉语属于两种不同的语系,英语重形合,强调主语,是主语突出语言;汉语重意合,强调意会,常省略或隐藏主语,是话题突出语言,故而英汉两种语言在主位结构上常常不一致。在翻译的过程中,若能保持原文的主位结构,那么对于原汁原味地传递原文的信息流能起到不小的作用,但是也不能为了追求形式上的一致而一味地追求两种语言主位结构上的对等,而应根据两种语言的特点适当调整好主位结构并采取符合译入语表达习惯的翻译方式。英汉基本句型作为语篇的最小单位,了解其主位结构及其翻译技巧,有利于把握整个语篇的翻译。 English and Chinese belong to different language systems. English puts great emphasis on hypotactic aspects, and weighs subjects a lot, which is a subject-prominent language;while Chinese emphasizes parataxis, and often omits or hides subjects, which is a topic-prominent language. Therefore, the Theme-Rheme structures in these two languages often differ. In the translation process, the consistency of Theme-Rheme structures in two languages can contribute a lot to keeping the original information of source language. Nevertheless, we cannot pursue that consistency blindly, sometimes, we need to adjust the Theme-Rheme structures and then to adopt the best way of translating. The basic English and Chinese sentence patterns are the smallest units of a text, so there is a need to analyze the Theme-Rheme structures of these sentence patterns to better serve the translation of the whole text.
作者 刘文娣 LIU Wen-di(School of Foreign Languages,Longyan University,Longyan,Fujian,364000)
出处 《贵州师范学院学报》 2019年第2期45-51,共7页 Journal of Guizhou Education University
关键词 英汉基本句型 主位结构 翻译 English and Chinese Sentence Patterns Theme-Rheme Structure Translation
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