南宋國滅,遜帝趙■受封瀛國公,後剃度出家成爲合尊法寶(Lha btsun chos kyi rin chen),—生斷梗流萍,四海飄零,從臨安到大都,輾轉上都與朵思麻,再至吐蕃薩思迦,皇袍與袈裟的雙重身分帶來多少寄人籬下以求苟安的淒凉與無奈。他的傳奇經歷引得後世文人浮想聯翩,杜撰出種種離奇身世,使趙■的歷史形象變得愈加撲朔迷離。本文即在前人的基礎上,從佛教史的角度,通過對他的譯作漢文《出有壞聖母智慧到彼岸心經》、藏文《業報因果經》和筆者新近發現的漢譯《吉祥喜樂金剛自受主戒儀》及其相關史料的考證,對合尊法寶從事佛教譯經的史實展開進一步的討論,由此也揭示出合尊法寶最爲允當的宗教身分--作爲膽巴國師的弟子修持和傳承薩思迦密法,特别是道果三續道秘法要門的付法譯師和金剛上師。
After the collapse of the Southern Song Dynasty, the last emperor Zhao Xian was knighted as Duke of Yingguo, and then became a monk named Lha btsun chos kyi rin chen, namely Hezun in Chinese. Since then,he was drifted from Lin'an to all over the places such as Dadu,Shangdu,mDo smad,Sa skya and so on. His legendary life evoked multitudinous visions of scholars who made a series of fictions about him. This led to his real story being much more complicated and confusing. Therefore, this paper from the perspective of Buddhist history explores his contributions in the history of Sino-Tibetan Buddhism based on the textual research on his translations Chuyouhuai Shengmu Zhihui Dao Bian Xinjing, Las kyi rnam par smin pa'i 'bras bu'i mdo and Jixiang Xilejingang Zishou Zhujie Yi. According to all above, Lha btsun chos kyi rin chen as a disciple of Bla ma dam pa should be seen as an expert Vajrayana master and translator of Sa skya pa at least in the field of rGyud gsum bstan pa'i lam in the teachings of Lam'bras.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History
國家社会科學基金2015年度青年項目“ 11-15世紀藏傳佛教上樂教法在西藏、尼泊爾和河西的傳播研究”(15CMZ011)的階段性成果.