
清代旗人官修家譜檔案述論 被引量:1

A study of the Archive of Officially-Commissioned Bannermen Genealogies in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 有清一代,清廷出於選官、繼承以及掌控旗人人口的需求,曾經采用官修方式編撰旗人家譜,大規模介入並統一管理旗人家族人口檔案。這種官修家譜體制自清初即開始實施,經過雍正、乾隆時期的發展和完善,一直持續至宣統末年,産生了數量龐大、保存完整的旗人家譜檔案,内容涉及整個八旗體制下的各類旗人羣體。旗人家譜與八旗世爵世職制和八旗户籍管理制度緊密相關,可分為承襲册型家譜與户籍册型家譜兩類,二者雖形式有異,在功能上卻有内在相關性。這批家譜在呈報、編纂、審核和保管等具體環節中.滲透了清王朝對八旗特定人羣的强烈干預與嚴格控制,是判斷旗人身分以及諸多制度實施的重要法律依據,其内容、性質、功用與同一時期民間“家自爲書、人自爲説”的私撰家譜迥然有别。目前學界對這批卷帙浩繁、内容豐富的旗人家譜檔案缺乏系統的認識,在先行研究中,對其文本性質尚無明確界定,本文試圖通過對旗人家譜檔案的文書形態、法律效用和官修性質的分析和梳理,將相關研究引入到更爲開闊的視野和空間。 In the Qing dynasty, in order to select officials, regulate inherited nobility and official titles, and control bannermen , the court compiled bannermen genealogies. In addition, the court constructed and managed an extensive archive of bannermen families and population. This system of compiling bannermen genealogies was initiated at the beginning of the Qing dynasty, developed in the Yongzheng and Qianlong's reigns, and lasted until the end of Xuantong's reign. It generated a large number of complete bannermen genealogies which contain information for all bannermen groups in the Eight Banner system. The bannermen genealogies are closely connected to the regulations for inheriting nobility and official titles in the Eight Banners as well as the Eight Banners household registration system. The genealogies can be divided into two types: nobility and official titles inheriting genealogies ( chengxi ce xing) and household registration genealogies ( huji ce xing). Although these two types are different in style, they share similarities in function. Through different stages in the process of compiling these genealogies, such as submitting information, editing and reviewing content, and preserving the books, the Qi ng court implemented firm control of specific groups of population in the Eight Banners. These genealogies enable historians to judge a bannerman's status. They also served as a legal basis upon which the court implemented various policies. In this sense, the content, nature, and function of these genealogies distinguish them from private genealogies. Extant scholarship has not yet developed a systematic and comprehensive analysis of this rich archive. Previous studies have also failed to define the nature of these texts. Therefore, this article aims to examine the structure and legal function of these genealogies as well as their nature as government compiled texts, in order to further our understanding of this valuable source.
作者 邱源媛 Qiu Yuanyuan
出处 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期231-262,394,395,共34页 Journal of Chinese Literature and History
基金 國家社科基金重大招標项目“中国古代户籍制度研究及数据库建设”(17ZDA174)的階段性成果。
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