
缔造社会主义的中华民族大家庭——新中国民族区域自治制度的奠基历程 被引量:18

Setting up A Socialist Great Family of Chinese Nationalities——The Process of Laying Foundation for Autonomous System of Nationality Regions in the People’s Republic of China
摘要 回溯《共同纲领》中所宣示的民族区域自治制度的制度要义以及这一制度的奠基历程,可以发现:社会主义,是民族区域自治制度的本质属性;巩固中华民族大家庭,是民族区域自治制度的制度依归。民族区域自治制度,强调的是广大少数民族群众当家作主、自主管理本民族内部事务的人民性;平等,作为社会主义的天然要求,是少数民族公民当家作主、行使自治权的前提;新中国在少数民族地区进行的宗教改革,实现了政教分离和社会主义政治法律体系的统一;民族区域自治制度,旨在建立亲密合作、团结互助的社会主义新型民族关系;因此,社会主义,是民族区域自治制度区别于中国古代羁縻制度的质的规定性所在;理解民族区域自治制度,必须把握好其社会主义的本质属性。民族区域自治制度,以缔造、巩固"中华民族大家庭"为制度依归,强调大家庭成员的团结统一、不可分离;在民族区域自治制度的奠基历程中,贯彻了社会主义大家庭的政治伦理,坚持深入基层、凝聚人心的群众路线,各族人民共同发展、共同建设社会主义现代化国家,在具体民族事务处理方面,则秉着商量办事、综合权衡的大家庭式处理方式。 Looking back to the major idea of autonomous regions for nationalities described in " The Common Programme" and the process of its founding, one may find that socialism is the essential attribute of autonomous region system, and that consolidation of the great family of the Chinese nation is the aim of this system. This system lays emphasis on the autonomous rights in inner affairs for the broad masses of nationalities, while its prerequisite and its inherit requirement is the equality. The reform of religions in China’s nationality regions has realized a division of administration and religion, and the unity of socialist system of politics and law. The autonomous system aims at setting up a new type of national relationship of close cooperation, unity and mutual aid. Therefore, socialism is the distinction of autonomous system from the ancient Chinese system for the nationalities, thus, the essential attribution of socialism must be upheld in understanding such a nationality autonomous region system. This system aims at building up and consolidate"the great family of Chinese nation", emphasizing its unity and inseparability. Also in this process saw the carrying out of a political ethics of socialist great family, i.e., insisting on the political line for the broad masses on the basic stratum, to make a common effort in building a modern socialist country, to achieve a common development, by the way of consultation and comprehensive consideration of a great family mode in dealing with the concrete affairs of nationalities.
作者 常安 CHANG An
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期95-108,共14页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家社科基金“以现代政治秩序建构为中心的西藏民主改革法理解读研究”(14BMZ002)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 民族区域自治 社会主义 中华民族 大家庭 中国特色社会主义法治 autonomous regions for nationalities socialism the Chinese nation great family socialist rule by law with Chinese characteristics
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