
基于拍频解调的光纤光栅位移传感器 被引量:8

Fiber Bragg Grating Displacement Sensor Based on Beat Frequency Demodulation
摘要 为提高光纤光栅监测微小位移的灵敏度和精度,提出并实现一种基片式环形光纤光栅位移传感器,利用谐振腔中不同模式拍频信号的变化实现传感。Sagnac环形腔有效提升了抽运光源的利用率,同时拥有比直腔更小的相位噪声和更高的信噪比。该传感器采用应变片式结构,能够有效地对光纤进行保护,更加精确地测量由位移引起的频率变化。实验中每5mm观察一次传感信号的漂移情况,重复实验的多组实验结果表明,该传感器频移与位移基本呈线性变化,线性拟合度高达0.9995,灵敏度为-45.4kHz/mm,根据频谱仪的最高精度,可得传感器的测量精度为0.88×10^-3 mm,与理论推导基本一致。 In order to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) monitoring microdisplacement, a substrate-based FBG displacement sensor is proposed and implemented. The sensing is realized based on beat-frequency signals of different modes in the resonator. The Sagnac ring cavity effectively improves the utilization of the pump light source, and has smaller phase noise and higher signal-to-noise ratio than the straight cavity. The substrate-based strain sensing structure can effectively protect the optical fiber and accurately measure the frequency variation caused by the displacement. In the experiment, the drift of the sensing signal is observed every 5 mm. The results of repeated experiments are recorded. The results show that the frequency shift varies linearly with the displacement, the degree of linear fit is up to 0. 9995, and the sensitivity is -45.4 kHz/mm. According to the highest precision of the spectrometer, we obtain that the measurement accuracy of the sensor is 0.88×10^-3 mm, which is basically consistent with the theoretical derivation.
作者 徐雨露 倪屹 余涛 郭瑜 Xu Yulu;Ni Yi;Yu Tao;Guo Yu(School of Internet of Things Engineering,Jiangnan University,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214122,China)
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期286-290,共5页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(61701195) 中央高校基础科研经费(JUSRP11740)
关键词 激光器 位移传感器 光纤激光器 线性度 应变片 灵敏度 lasers displacement sensor fiber laser degree of linearity strain gauge sensitivity
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