
秸秆粉碎集条深埋机械还田对土壤物理性质的影响 被引量:23

Effects of strip-collected chopping and mechanical deep-buried return of straw on physical properties of soil
摘要 为明确秸秆粉碎集条深埋后土壤物理性质变化特征,为秸秆集条深还技术应用与推广提供理论依据和技术指导。本文采用田间大区对比试验,开展秸秆集条粉碎机械深埋对土壤物理性质的影响研究,设置正常翻耕、秸秆耕层还田、秸秆集条深还3个处理。结果表明:与对照秸秆不还田处理比,连续还田3a,秸秆集条深埋处理0~30cm土层土壤固相比率和容重分别降低1.17%~6.21%和0.02~0.14g/cm^3、容气度和田间持水量提高,土壤总孔隙提高幅度为0.70%~5.98%,有效孔隙增加幅度为0.22%~2.69%,差异显著;与对照不还田处理比,耕层还田0~20cm土层土壤固相比率和容重降低幅度分别为2.42%~4.30%和0.09~0.12g/cm^3、容气度和田间持水量得到提高,总孔隙和通气孔隙增加;秸秆集条深还作业土层深,每隔3年进行间隔作业,长期则可改善全田土壤物理性质,增厚耕层10cm。 As a direct and effective way to utilize crop straw,long-term straw returning has the effect of improving soil fertility and physical properties.Straw returning in Heilongjiang Province can be divided into three types:mulching return,plough-layer return and deep-buried return,with different models having different effects on the soil.Covering soil with straw significantly increases humidity of the soil but reduces the soil temperature during seedling stage,thus,it has both positive and negative effects on soil physical properties,with different results in different researches.The return of straw to the plough layer can improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil,reducing the soil bulk density and increasing the soil water-storage ability.However,a large number of studies have concluded that plough-layer return can cause the soil to be fluffy and reduce water-retaining property because of the accumulating of the straw in the plough layer.It may cause the delay of crop emergence as well as reducing the crop yield for that the straw corruption may consume soil nutrients,resulting in insufficient soil nutrient during seedling growth.The technology of deep-buried return of straw can overcome the drawbacks of straw mulching and plough-layer return in agricultural production in North China.This technique can avoid problems of low ground temperature and delayed emergence of seedlings caused by mulching return in spring in cold areas and avoid problems of low quality of mechanical sowing and low emergence rate resulted from plough-layer return.Meanwhile,it can improve deep soil fertility and improve the soil physical properties.On the basis of deep-buried return,this paper puts forward the technology of strip-collected chopping and mechanical deep-buried return.The straw smashing and strip-collected machine is used together with moldboard plow to deeply bury the smashed straw under the plough layer.It can return the straw strips that are four times of the per unit yield deeply to the soil,forming the fertilization ditch which is separated by 180 cm.In the early stage,the effects of strip-collected chopping and mechanical deep-buried return of straw on crop growth and soil fertility change are studied.In order to clarify the soil physical properties after straw being concentrated into a strip returning,three treatments for comparative studies are carried out in this paper:normal tillage,plough-layer return and straw concentrated into a strip returning.The results show that after 3 years of continuous returning to the field,the soil consolidation rate and bulk density of 0-30 cm soil layer decrease by 1.17%-6.21%and 0.02-0.14 g/cm^3 respectively,with gas tolerance and water holding capacity increased.The total soil porosity increases by 0.70%-5.98%and the effective porosity increases by 0.22%-2.69%,the difference being significant than the control group.As in the control group,the soil consolidation rate and bulk density of 0-20 cm soil layer decrease by 2.42%-4.30%and 0.09-0.12 g/cm^3 respectively,with gas tolerance and water holding capacity increased.The total soil porosity and the effective porosity increase as well.The soil layer of straw concentrated returning is deep and interval work is conducted every three years.In the long run,the physical properties of the whole soil can be improved and the tillage layer can be thickened about 10 cm.
作者 王秋菊 刘峰 焦峰 常本超 姜辉 宫秀杰 Wang Qiuju;Liu Feng;Jiao Feng;Chang Benchao;Jiang Hui;Gong Xiujie(Institute of Soil Fertilizer and Environment Resources,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,China;Key Laboratory of Heilongjiang Soil Environment and Plant Nutrient,Harbin 150086,China;Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing,163319,China;Office of Academic Research of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin,150086,China;Institute of Tillage and Cultivation Resourses,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期43-49,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 黑龙江省重大攻关项目(GA16B401)
关键词 秸秆 土壤 物理性质 集条粉碎 机械深还 straw soils physical property strip-collected chopping mechanical deep-buried return
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