
聚偏氟乙烯基复合薄膜的构筑及其介电和储能特性 被引量:2

Construction and Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Based Composites Films
摘要 采用逐层溶液浇铸法制备了具有三明治结构的聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)基复合薄膜,其中外层钛酸锶钡(BaSrTiO3)/PVDF的质量分数分别为10%,20%,30%,中间层的质量分数固定为2%。采用扫描电子显微镜、介电温谱测试仪和铁电材料测试仪分别研究了复合薄膜的微观形貌、介电性能和储能特性。结果表明,与纯PVDF薄膜相比,复合薄膜具有更加优异的介电性能和储能特性,其中20-2-20样品在1kHz时的相对介电常数高达52.9,击穿强度为590MV/m,放电能量密度为4.6J/cm3,分别为纯PVDF薄膜的5.69、3.0和5.75倍。三明治结构复合薄膜的外层增强了电介质的极化特性,而中间层缓解了电极化强度过早饱和,两者协同实现了复合薄膜优异的介电性能和储能特性。 Sandwich poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF)based composites films were prepared via layer by layer solution casting method,the weight ratios of barium strontium titanate(BaSrTiO 3)/PVDF in the outer layer were 10%,20%and 30%,respectively,and the the weight ratio of BaSrTiO 3/PVDF in the middle layer was fixed at 2%.Scanning election microscope(SEM),TZDM-200-300LCR meter,radiant premier II ferroelectric test system were used to investigate the fracture surfaces morphologies,dielectric properties and discharged energy density and efficiency of the sandwich composites samples.The results show that the dielectric properties and discharged energy density of sandwich BT/PVDF samples are significantly enhanced compared with that of pure PVDF samples.Particularly,sandwich sample“20-2-20”exhibits extraordinary high enhancement in dielectric constant(52.90 at 1 kHz),breakdown strength(590 MV/m),and discharged energy density(4.6 J/cm 3),which is 5.69,3.0,5.75 times higher than that of pure PVDF sample,respectively.The outer layer of the sandwich structure composite films enhances the dielectric polarization,and the middle layer relieves the electric polarization premature saturation,the synergistic effect results in the improved dielectric and discharged energy properties.
作者 李为平 柳和生 那兵 周海迎 LI Wei-ping;LIU He-sheng;NA Bing;ZHOU Hai-ying(Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of Polymer Micro/Nano Manufacturing and Devices,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China;Jiangxi Province Engineering Research Center of New Energy Technology and Equipment,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China)
出处 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第3期295-300,共6页 Journal of East China University of Technology(Natural Science)
基金 科技部科技计划项目(2018YFF01011302) 江西省科技厅科技计划项目(20161BBE50073) 江西省新能源工艺及装备工程技术研究中心开放基金(JXNE2018-01)
关键词 介电性能 储能密度 钛酸锶钡 聚偏氟乙烯 层状结构 dielectric properties energy storage density BaSrTiO 3 PVDF sandwich structure
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