The so-called“Bian gu”(changing conservative thoughts) in the history of Confucian classics origi. nated in Wu Zhou dynasty. After the conclusion of Confucian classics in the early Tang dynasty, Confucian classics became rigid. The political reform and innovation from the replacement of Zhou Dynasty with Tang Dy. nasty brought the opportunity of Confucian classics innovation, so WANG Yuan-gan, LIU ZHI-ji and others raised the thought of“Bian gu”of Confucian classics, thus opening up the road of“Bian gu”of Confucian clas. sics in Song dynasty. The third year of Chang’an Reign can be said to be a watershed in the development of Confucian classics, the Confucian unity in Tang dynasty changing into a faction division. In this year, the event of“Yuan Gan Shang Shu”marked the emergence of the Confucian classics in the Tang dynasty as two basic factions:“Bai gu”school and“Ni gu”(keeping to conservative thoughts) school. The position of Confu. cian classics of the two groups is closely related to their political bias and mentality. WANG Yuan-gan angrily reported to the throne, which caused controversy. The“Bian gu”school benefited from the political situation of Wu Zhou dynasty and gained the opportunity to reform Confucian classics and favored the pro-military school.“Ni gu”school has a delicate mentality, looking forward to the return of Tang’s Regime, tending to fa. vor Li and adhere to Confucian classic. WU Ze-tian supported the“Bian gu”school out of considerations of political interests and psychological preference, which enabled the“Bian gu”school to emerge in the country’ s political life.
Seeking Truth
Bian gu of Confucian classics
WABG Yuan-gan