
论中国特色城市社会变革——弥补土地资本化缺憾的路径选择 被引量:1

On Social Reform of Cities with Chinese Characteristics——the Path Choice of Solving the Lack of Land Capitalization
摘要 改革开放以来,中国城市化率逐年升高,以“土地资本化”为驱动的城市发展逻辑是中国经济增长的引擎。“土地财政”看似为城市化提供资本,却因其内在的逻辑缺陷,导致“目的”和“手段”关系扭曲,给中国城市集聚了巨大的社会风险。文章从产权制度、政府行为、财政体制、考核机制等四个分析角度,围绕“土地资本化”驱动下的城市社会风险问题,提出变革土地产权制度和财税制度、政府职能归位、城乡融合发展等政策建议,以期推进中国特色城市社会变革。 Since the reform and opening up, China s urbanization rate has been increasing year by year. The urban development logic driven by “land capitalization” is a powerful engine to boost China s economic growth. It seems that “land finance” provides capital for urbanization, but because of its inherent logical flaws, the relationship between “purpose” and “means” is distorted, which accumulates huge social risks in Chinese cities. From the perspectives of property rights system, government behavior, fiscal system and assessment mechanism, it focuses on urban social risks driven by “land capitalization”, proposes suggestions on land property rights system and fiscal and taxation system reform, government function homing, urban and rural integrated development in order to carry forward social reform in cities with Chinese characteristics.
作者 鲍宗豪 王滢涛 Bao Zonghao;Wang Yingtao
出处 《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第5期46-53,共8页 Journal of Changzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金重大项目“推动物质文明与精神文明协调发展研究——10年来文明城市创建的理论、实践与制度构建”(15ZDC007)
关键词 土地资本化 城市化 社会风险 制度 land capitalization urbanization social risks system
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