
北魏于神恩墓志所见鲜卑勋臣于氏家族之盛衰——基于阀阅流品视角的考察 被引量:1

The Rise and Fall of Xianbei Honorable Officials the Yu Clan as Seen in Yu Shen’en’s Epitaph in the Northern Wei Dynasty——An Investigation Based on the Noble Family
摘要 关于新近公布的北魏于神恩墓志,学界考据成果斐然。若将视角切换至门阀士族和仕进体制上来,还会有更多收获。开国元勋的一流门资赋予于神恩非比寻常的仕宦资格,但梳理其履历,不难发现其仕途高开低走,与理想状态相去甚远。大致以宣武帝正始、永平之际为界,前段超品释褐、荣耀升迁,后段备受阻滞、持续低迷,个人境遇顺逆与其所出鲜卑勋臣于氏家族的盛衰基本同步,其从祖祖父于烈和堂伯叔父于忠居中发挥决定作用。该墓志堪称其家族发展史的高度浓缩,也是胡人姓族演变的生动标本,极具史料价值和学术意义。借助士族流品制度的有形载体全面扫描志主的人生,捕捉其仕进轨迹的“异动”节点,揭示历史现象背后的隐秘,被证明是行之有效的研究手段。它与搜寻史志“异刻”现象探赜索隐殊途同归,都有助于迫近历史真相。 The academic circles have carried out textual research and made plenty of achievements about the newly released epitaph of Yu Shen en in the Northern Wei Dynasty. More can be gained if the research perspectives are switched to the hereditary gentry and official promotion system. Yu Shen en was bestowed with extraordinary official career by his glorious family and high-ranking ancestors. However, by combing his brief career history, it is found that his political career began at a high starting point, but fell in the end, which was far from the ideal state. Roughly taking Zhengshi and Yongping periods of Emperor Xuanwu as the boundary, during his earlier career period, he was promoted to the highest ranking, but his later career was impeded and stagnant. His career fluctuation kept pace with the ups and downs of Xianbei honorable officials the Yu clan, attributing to his grandfather s brother Yu Lie and his uncle Yu Zhong s decisive roles. The epitaph is the highly-condensed family history and the vivid specimen of family tribe evolution of Hu people which is of significant historical and academic values. Referring to the concrete carrier of the gentry system to scan Yu Shen en s life, capture the “abnormal” nodes of career path and reveal the secrets behind the historical phenomena, is proven to be an effective research method. Same as exploring “deviated engraving” in history and annals, it approaches the historical truth.
作者 刘军 Liu Jun
出处 《常州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第5期80-90,共11页 Journal of Changzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金一般项目“中古鲜卑拓跋氏士族化进程研究”(19BZS056)
关键词 北魏 于神恩墓志 代人勋臣 于氏家族 阀阅流品 仕进体制 Northern Wei Dynasty Yu Shen en s epitaph Dai honorable officials the Yu clan noble family official promotion system
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