混沌电路是一种非线性电路 ,具有宽频谱特性 ,但在实际通信应用中 ,通信信道的带宽有一定限制 ,如何调节混沌电路的频谱范围成为混沌电路实际应用的一个问题。本文以蔡氏混沌电路为例 ,利用 MATL AB软件分析蔡氏混沌电路产生的混沌信号及其频率特性。通过对蔡氏混沌电路中元器件 R、L和 C参数的调整 ,可以获得具有期望频谱范围的混沌信号。
Chaotic signal has the characteristic of large frequency band-width. However, in the real communication application, there is a limitation to the band-width for the channel. Thus, how to adjust the frequency bandwidth for real application is a problem in consideration. In this paper, we analyze the frequency spectrum in Chua's circuit with Matlab software. We can obtain the chaotic signal with the desired frequency band-width by adjusting the parameters of Chua's circuit.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education