The Primary School Affiliated to Fujian Normal University revolves around the fundamental task of enhancing morality and fostering talents, and based on the academic situation and school conditions, the school has refined the educational philosophy of“the education of morality and wisdom”, attempting to build a school education system with moral cultivation and wisdom education. The school pays attention to shaping“moral-oriented”students: completely implementing all the details of daily norms, and focusing on the joint education of all-time schools with the help of the joint efforts of the double moral education. The school helps to inspire the students with "wisdom":by looking forward to the future and making overall planning so as to set up the goal of educating people from the top-level;pointing to the main body, focusing on the subject and ecology to ensure the teaching effectiveness with quality testing;exerting influence through multi-party linkage, ecological beauty and the new mode of education. Taking hold of the foundation of moral education and attaching importance to the inspiration of intellectual education, the school is committed to building the education system into an ecosystem of continuous growth, development and linkage.
CHEN Jian(Primary School Affiliated to Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350008, China)
Journal of Fujian Institute of Education
moral education
intellectual education
ecological curriculum
education system construction