
新中国成立70年来中国“美好生活”的观念演进与实践探索 被引量:8

The Concept Evolution and Practice Exploration of the Chinese “Good Life” since the Founding of New China 70 Years
摘要 新中国成立70年的历史,不仅是中国共产党带领中国人民探索中国道路的历史,也是中国共产党在马克思“美好生活”理想性与现实性双重维度的指导下,带领中国人民不断破解“美好生活”困境、寻找通向“美好生活”道路的历史。一方面,为摆脱贫穷、落后的现实困境,中国提出破解当代中国“美好生活”的密钥将“美好生活”阶段化、现实化为“独立生活”“富裕生活”和“富强生活”。另一方面,为解决“美好生活”因现实化、阶段化而失去理想性之维的困境,进入新时代的中国提出“中国梦”,实现了马克思“美好生活”理想性之维与现实性之维的融合,体现了中国对马克思“美好生活”思想的睿智理解与灵活运用。在新中国成立70年之际,探索这70年来中国人民“美好生活”的观念演进与实践探索,不仅为我们精准地把握中国社会的巨大变革和重大发展提供可能,也为我们继续探索中国道路和中国发展提供理论基础与实践基础,更为我们趋向马克思“理想生活”提供坚定信念与现实可能。 The 70-year history of the founding of New China is not only the history of the Chinese Communist Party leading the Chinese people to explore the Chinese road, but also the history of the Chinese Communist Party leading the Chinese people to constantly crack the predicament of "good life" and find the road to "good life". On the one hand, in order to get rid of the realistic dilemma of poverty and backwardness, China proposes to crack the key to the "good life" o contemporary China to turn the "good life" into a staged and realistic "independent life","affluent life" and "prosperous life". On the other hand, in order to solve the dilemma of good life losing its ideal dimension due to actualization and staged stage, China entering a new era put forward the Chinese Dream and realized the ideal dimension and reality of Marx s good life . The integration of the dimension reflects China's wise understanding and flexible use of Marx's "good life" thinking. On the occasion of the 70th anni versary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, exploring the evolution and practical explo ration of the "good life" of the Chinese people over the past 70 years will not only provide us with the possibility to accurately grasp the tremendous changes and major developments of Chinese society, but also continue to explore the Chinese road for us. Providing theoretical basis and practical basis for China s development, we also provide firm belief and realistic possibilities for Marx's "ideal life".
作者 朱雪微 Zhu Xuewei(School of Marxism, Nankai University, Tianjin 300035)
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期38-46,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助“继承与发展:习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究”(项目号:63192118) 天津市高校习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的理论体系研究”(项目号:C0218017)的阶段性成果
关键词 新中国成立70年 美好生活 独立生活 富裕生活 富强生活 理想生活 the founding of New China 70 years the good life the independent life the rich life the rich and strong life the ideal life
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