

Analysis of the Characteristics of "Knowledge Web Star" on WeChat Platform——Taking WeChat Public Accounts “Lige Finance” and “Demon Daddy” as Examples
摘要 在经济飞速发展、竞争格外激烈的时代,增加知识深度成为提升个人竞争力的首要选择。当传统的学习方式无法满足个人需求的时候,人们会通过网络寻求帮助,“知识网红”顺应时代与社会的需求应运而生。知识网红的出现一方面为普通大众提供了高性价比的专业知识,有助于文化与知识的传承;另一方面,有效的管理与全方位的监控必须双管齐下,方能使大众获得更加“纯净”的专业知识。 With the rapid economic development and fierce competition,increasing knowledge depth has become the primary choice for enhancing individual competitiveness. When traditional learning methods can't meet individual needs,people will seek help through the Internet. Therefore,“knowledge web star” cater to the needs of the times and society. On the one hand,the emergence of knowledge web star provides cost-effective professional knowledge for public,which contributes to the inheritance of culture and knowledge. On the other hand,some effective management and comprehensive monitoring must be carried out,so that the public can achieve pure expertise.
作者 杜娟 Du Juan(Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers ,Hefei Anhui 230031)
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2019年第4期120-124,共5页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
基金 安徽省大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)示范项目《Linux操作系统》阶段性成果(项目编号:2018MOOC259)
关键词 知识网红 意见领袖 知识共享 knowledge web star opinion leaders knowledge sharing
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