
大学生创业意向影响因素研究——基于十堰市四所高校的调研分析 被引量:3

Study on the Factors Affecting College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions——Investigation and Analysis of the Four Universities in Shiyan City
摘要 为鼓励大学生参与创新创业活动,了解其创业意向的影响因素,提升其创业积极性。通过482名大学生的调研分析发现,大学生性别、专业、家人创业经历以及个人的创新意识与关系管理能力对其创业意向的产生均具有积极影响,而个人特质因素中的风险承担、机会识别能力与创业意向间不存在显著关系。 In order to encourage college students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship activities and understand the factors influencing their entrepreneurial intention, it can enhance their entrepreneurial initiative. According to the investigation and analysis of 482 college students, it is found that the innovation consciousness and relationship management ability of college students’gender, specialty, family business experience and personal traits have positive effects on their entrepreneurial intention, and the risk factors and opportunities in personal characteristics There was no significant relationship between the recognition ability and entrepreneurial intention.
作者 陈孝强 Chen Xiaoqiang(Hubei Industrial Polytechnic, Shiyan 442000 Hubei ,China)
出处 《湖北成人教育学院学报》 2019年第5期23-27,共5页 Journal of Hubei Adult Education Institute
基金 湖北工业职业技术学院2019年职业教育与产业发展研究课题“‘双创’背景下高职院校大学生创业意向影响机制研究——基于湖北省高校调研”(2019ZJKT10)
关键词 大学生创业 创业意向 影响因素 college students' entrepreneurship entrepreneurial intention influencing factors
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