
回眸一瞥——中国20世纪建筑遗产的范型及其脉络 被引量:6

On the Form Models and Their Context of the China’s 20th-Century Heritage Architecture
摘要 文章以历时性叙事为主,穿插共时性分析,回望了中国20世纪建筑遗产的形式脉络。由于现代性观念和工业化起步均滞后西方达百年以上,加之西方文化移入初期的需要,以及中国上层社会对民族国家身份的认同和对传统文化象征的尊崇,使中式的新古典主义始终在20世纪的建筑遗产中占有首要地位。而在上海等中国开埠城市的租界地段,西方新古典主义时期的各种建筑流派及其舶来品,也大多成为中国20世纪建筑遗产的组成部分。至20世纪中,以北京天安门广场的现代建筑遗产为代表,西方新古典主义建筑的影响在新中国的建筑遗产典范中更加清晰可辨。相比之下,早期西方现代主义建筑形态对中国近代建筑的影响不过是凤毛麟角。直到20世纪80年代,由于改革开放向世界打开了大门,西方后工业时代的各种建筑思潮蜂拥而至,中国20世纪末的建筑形式才走出了新古典的范型,现代古典、晚期现代、后现代等西方建筑的影响以中国的在地形式呈现出来。 This article narrates the evolution of China’s 20th-century architectural heritage chronologically with synchronic analysis. Chinese neoclassicism, manifested as the retro ‘palace style’ and ‘classical Chinese style’, the eclectic ‘national style’ and the simplistic ‘revolutionary modern style’, plays a primary role in the 20th-century architectural heritage. This is because China’s modernism and industrialisation took off almost a century later than the West, and because of the need for the initial acculturation of Western culture and the yearning from the Chinese upper class for the national identity and symbols of traditional culture. Meanwhile, in the foreign settlements of the treaty ports such as Shanghai, the architecture of Western neoclassical style and other imported styles also became part of China’s 20th-century architecture. Western neoclassical architecture’s influence on New China’s architecture became even more evident in mid-20th-century, with the modern architectural heritage of Tian’anmen Square as a representative. The influence of Western modernist architecture on China, on the other hand, was minimal. It was not until the 1980s, as China opened up to the world, did various schools of thought from Western post-industrialisation architecture flow into the country, leaving an abundant imprint of the time on China’s 20th-century architectural heritage. These Western schools of thought in architecture, such as modern classicism, late modernism and postmodernism, had been manifested in China’s contemporary architectural style.
作者 常青 Chang Qing(Chinese Academy of Science;the College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092)
出处 《建筑遗产》 2019年第3期1-10,共10页 Heritage Architecture
关键词 中国20世纪建筑遗产 范型 伪形 中国固有式 民族形式 新中式 多元化 China’s 20th-century heritage architecture model pseudomorph royal Chinese style national style neo-Chinese style plurallism
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