
秦岭森林物候时空分布特征及对水热条件的响应 被引量:7

Characteristic of plant phenology and its response to the hydrothermal conditions over Qinling Mountains
摘要 大量观测数据分析表明,全球气候正逐步变暖。植物物候现象是全球自然环境变化的指示器。物候对气候变化的响应是研究全球气候变化的重要手段之一。森林是全球生态系统的重要组成部分,森林物候特征变化是反映气候变化对森林生长影响的综合性生物指标。利用2001—2018年MOD09A1卫星数据重建了秦岭地区增强型植被指数(EVI)序列,采用最大变化速率和阈值法结合提取了秦岭森林物候参数,结果表明:(1) Whittaker滤波法在灌木、农田、森林3种生态样地重建中稳定性较好,在秦岭山地有较好的适用性。(2)秦岭地区物候多年均值分布同秦岭地区水热条件密切,由高海拔高山区到农耕区,生长季始期(Start of Growth Season,SOG)逐渐提前,生长季末期(End of GrowthSeason,EOG)逐渐推迟,生长季长度(Length of Growth Season,LOG)由高海拔区向低海拔区逐渐加长。秦岭浅山区和东部伏牛山农耕带生长季(SOG)开始较早,出现在3月上旬,高山区针叶林带生长季开始的较晚,出现在5月上旬到中旬(120~135 d)之间。生长季末期(EOG)集中出现在10月~11月初(270~310 d),高山区针叶林带生长季结束较早,浅山区植被生长季结束较晚,普遍出现在11月(300 d)以后。生长季长度(LOG)分布在150~200 d之间,低海拔地区LOG较长,大于180 d,高海拔林区生长季较短LOG集中在150~170 d。(3)年际变化特征:2001—2018年生长季始期(SOG)呈现提前趋势,其中高海拔区提前明显,南北麓海拔低于500 m部分区域和东部伏牛山少部分区域出现推迟。生长季末期(EOG)呈现推迟趋势,其中秦岭北麓和东部中低海拔区域推迟明显,生长期长度(LOG)总体呈延长趋势。(4)秦岭地区近17 a气温呈现上升趋势,变化率为0.02℃·a^-1,降水呈现不明显的上升趋势,日照时数则呈现明显的下降趋势,变化率为14.6 h·a^-1。(5)秦岭地区物候参数同0℃、5℃和10℃界限温度、降水、日照时数相关性分析表明,全球变化下的升温作用是影响秦岭森林物候变化的主要因子,升温作用导致SOG提前,EOG推迟、LOG延长,主要集中在秦岭南北麓1 000~2 000 m之间,秦岭东部伏牛山低海拔区境内相关性最低,表明受温度制约较小。 Based on the product of C5 MOD09 A1 from Land Processes Distributed Active Center(NASA LPACC) from 2001 to 2018,the Enhanced Vegetation Index(EVI) over Qinling Mountains,the geographical boundary of south-north China,is reconstructed.The four reconstruction methods,Whittaker,DL,HANTS and AG algorithms were evaluated.Then the phenological parameters of Qinling Mountains was extracted with the maximum change rate and threshold method.We got the followed results.The Whittaker filter method is generally the best among the four methods in reconstructing the EVI of shrubs,fields and forests over Qinling Mountains.And the EVI from the Whittaker filter method shows the lowest difference from the original EVI in the reconstruction of shrub,farmland and forest cover with higher representative than that from the DL,AG and HANTS algorithms.Along the main ridge of the Qinling Mountains from the high elevations to the farming area,the start of growth season is gradually moved earlier,the end of growth season is gradually delayed and the length of growth seasons become much longer.The growing season in the northern and southern shallow-mountain areas and Funiu Mountains starts in early March,while it begins in early and mid-May(120-135 d of the year) in the coniferous forest belt.While the end of growth season in the coniferous forest belt ends earlier than that of shallow-mountain areas which mainly appear in early of November,and both of them is mainly in the range of 270-310 d of the year.The length of the growth(LOG) season over Qinling Mountains is mainly about 150-200 d,and the LOG at lower elevation(about 180 d) is longer than that of forest regions at higher elevation which is about 150-170 d.The distribution of the initial period of SOG over 95% areas of the Qinling Mountains generally shows an advance of 1-2 d,especially for the high-altitude area,which shows an obvious advance trend with about 2 d·a^-1,while there is a delay trend over the areas with the elevation lower than 500 m and the Funiu mountains.There is a delayed trend of the growth seasons(EOG) over Qinling Mountains,especially over the north of Qinling Mountains and low-altitude areas(about 2-3 d·a^-1).Furthermore,the length of growth seasons over Qinling Mountains become longer,and the change range of 72% of the forest is about 1-23 d·a^-1.There is a slightly increased trend of average temperature with a rate of 0.02 ℃·a^-1,while the total annual sunshine duration is decreased with a rate of 14.6 h·a^-1 over the Qinling Mountains.The change of hydrothermal conditions further affected the phenological parameters of Qinling Mountains.The correlation analysis between accumulated temperature,total precipitation and total sunshine duration and the phenological parameters at the temperatures of 0 ℃,5 ℃ and 10 ℃ respectively,which shows that the response sequence of the phenological parameters to the three climatic factors is: accumulated temperature > precipitation>sunshine.The increasing of temperature slightly leads to an earlier SOG,a delayed EOG and a longer LOG,especially in the areas with the elevation between 1 000 and 2 000 m over the southern and northern part of Qinling Mountains.While for higher mountains the correlations becomes more complex.The response of phenological parameters to accumulated temperature over Funiu Mountains in the east of Qinling Mountains is not obvious and there may be some other restriction factors.
作者 王钊 彭艳 权文婷 何慧娟 李登科 WANG Zhao;PENG Yan;QUAN Wen-ting;HE Hui-juan;LI Deng-ke(Agricultural Remote Sensing and Economic Crop Meteorological Service Center of Shaanxi,Xi'an 710014,Shaanxi,China;Meteorological Institute of Shaanxi Province,Xi'an 710014,Shaanxi,China)
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期1048-1058,共11页 Arid Land Geography
基金 中国气象局气候变化专项“气候变化背景下秦岭地区植被生态环境演变与风险适应” 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目(2018JM4024) 陕西省科学研究发展计划项目(2013K02-20)
关键词 秦岭 物候 生长季末期(EOG) 生长季始期(SOG) 生长季长度(LOG) Qinling Mountains phenological parameters EOG SOG LOG
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