
某院非住院患者合理用药监护系统的应用与分析 被引量:5

Application and analysis of non-inpatient rational drug use monitoring system in a hospital
摘要 目的:分析非住院患者合理用药监护系统在某院的应用与实践,促进非住院患者合理用药。方法:介绍非住院患者合理用药监护系统的相关功能,并对其应用成效进行评价。结果:该系统具有个性用药交代、慢病管理与随访以及便捷的药品信息查询等功能。与应用传统咨询系统相比,非住院患者合理用药监护系统提高了慢病患者的用药依从性,降低了患者不良反应发生率;显著提高了药师对患者进行用药交代、解答用药疑问以及制订随访方案等工作的效率(P<0.01);患者的满意度由90%提升至96%;纳入该系统的患者稳步上升。结论:借助该系统实现了合理用药服务由院内到院外的延伸,监护了非住院患者合理用药,扩展了服务途径,提升了药学服务价值。 OBJECTIVE To analyze the application and practice of non-inpatient rational drug use monitoring system in a hospital and to promote non-inpatient rational drug use.METHODS The functions of non-inpatient rational drug use monitoring system in our hospital were introduced, and its effects were evaluated.RESULTS The system has the functions of personality medication, chronic disease management and follow-up as well as convenient drug information inquiry. Compared with traditional consulting system, non-inpatient rational drug use monitoring system can enhance the medication compliance of patients and reduce the rate of adverse reaction. Furthermore, this system could significantly improve the efficiency of pharmacists in explaining the medication, answering medication questions and developing follow-up program(P<0.01). In addition, the satisfaction of patient was increased from 90% to 96%, and the number of patients enrolled in the system increased steadily.CONCLUSION With the help of this system, the rational drug use service was extended from the hospital to outside the hospital, the rational drug use of the patient was monitored, and the service way was expanded, and the pharmaceutical service value was enhanced.
作者 李鑫 左静 郭美琦 朱芳芳 陈潞梅 邬蓉 LI Xin;ZUO Jing;GUO Mei-qi;ZHU Fang-fang;CHEN Lu-mei;WU Rong(Department of Pharmacy,Changzheng Hospital,the Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200003,China)
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第20期2095-2098,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
基金 上海市卫生计生系统重要薄弱学科建设项目(编号:2016ZB0303) 上海市临床药学重点专科建设项目(编号:2016-40044-002) 上海临床药学创新研究专项课题(编号:2016-YY-01-09)
关键词 非住院患者合理用药监护系统 合理用药 用药交代 慢病管理 non-inpatient rational drug use monitoring system rational drug use drug use account chronic care management
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