
事件相关电位(ERP)技术在第二语言句法习得研究中的应用 被引量:4

Applications of Event Related Potentials (ERP) in Studies of Second Language Syntactic Acquisition
摘要 EEG技术为研究人类大脑的认知加工进程提供了一个新的视角。本文从四个方面讨论EEG脑电技术以及ERP数据在二语习得研究中的作用及贡献。首先,介绍EEG脑电技术在不同领域的应用,特别是ERP研究在二语习得领域的应用;其次,反思、回顾近年来基于ERP数据研究结果的二语句法习得实证研究;再次,通过文献回顾,系统讨论ERP句法习得数据如何帮助我们分析、解释实时在线的二语句法加工及习得过程,特别是与二语习得领域相关的三个根本问题:1)不同二语学习经验、环境、年龄能否改变大脑加工方式及神经结构 2)二语ERP研究能否证实二语教学与学习方式具有改变大脑加工方式及神经结构的作用 3)二语与一语的结构相同性或相似性能否预测二语学习者脑神经加工以及习得方式?最后,从二语及汉语习得的理论及方法论两个角度提出ERP研究的不足及今后的发展方向。 The EEG technology provides a new perspective for neuro-cognitive processing research. This paper discusses how ERP data contribute to and impact studies of second language acquisition(SLA) from four perspectives. First, we introduce how the EEG technology is applied in different fields, especially in the SLA field;second, we review recent empirical studies on L2 syntactic development;third, on the basis of the real-time ERP data in the literature, three focal questions are discussed, relating to L2 syntactic processing and acquisition: 1) whether the differences in linguistic experience, learning environment and age of acquisition can change L2 learners’ cognitive processing and neural structure;2) whether L2 ERP studies can verify that second language instruction plays a role in changing and transforming L2 learner’s cognitive processing and neural structure;and 3) whether similarities and differences between L1 and L2 can help predict neural underpinnings and the processing strategies used by L2 learners? Finally, we put forward a proposal for the future development of the ERP-based research from the perspective of SLA and CFL theories and methodology.
作者 靳洪刚 高飞 陈忠 Jin Honggang;Gao Fei;Chen Zhong
出处 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期522-547,共26页 Chinese Teaching in the World
关键词 二语习得 汉语习得 句法加工 ERP数据 N400效应 P600效应 second language acquisition Chinese as second language syntactic processing ERP data N400 P600
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