

Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Security Transmission based on Untrusted-FDR Energy Acquisition
摘要 随着无线通信业务的飞速发展,通信资源变得紧缺,同时通信业务面临更大的安全威胁。因此,考虑了一个包含非可信中继的协同通信网络,其中进行信息转发的中继和接收端工作在全双工模式,且FDR会对信息进行窃听。为了更加切合下一代通信网络架构“绿色能量消耗”的主题,令FDR以PS方式从所接收到的信号中提取能量和解码信息。通过理论分析和仿真研究该系统的安全性能,同时分析了不同参数对系统安全性能的影响。 With the rapid development of wireless communication services, communication resources have become extremely scarce, while communication services are also facing greater security threats. Therefore, a cooperative communication network including untrusted relays is considered, in which the relay and the receiver for information forwarding work in full duplex mode, and FDR would steal information. In order to fairly meet the theme of "green energy consumption" of next generation communication network architecture, FDR extracts energy and decoding information from the received signal in PS mode. Theoretical analysis simulation are done on the safety performance of the system, and at the same time, the influence of difierent parameters on the safety performance of the system is explored.
作者 陶业荣 李博轮 李鹏飞 TAO Ye-rong;LI Bo-lun;LI Peng-fei(Luoyang Electronic Equipment Test Center, Luoyang Henan 471000, China)
出处 《通信技术》 2019年第10期2489-2493,共5页 Communications Technology
关键词 物理层安全 功率分割 非可信FDR 安全中断概率 physical layer security power splitting untrusted FDR secrecy outage probability
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