
安徽大别山区碳排放生态补偿空间差异研究 被引量:1

Spatial Difference of Ecological Compensation for Carbon Emission in Dabie Mountain Area in Anhui Province
摘要 碳汇是生态系统服务价值重要组成,其生态补偿研究已经成为研究热点之一,为大别山区生态补偿提供科学依据。对安徽大别山及周围区域2007年和2014年碳排放空间差异分析及估算碳排放生态补偿具体的标准,结果显示:(1)2007—2014年间碳排放总量增加1716.96万吨,年均增长6.2%,合肥市碳排放总量增加最多(占总量67.28%)。建设用地碳排放总量增加1724.76万吨(占总量的69.52%),年均增长9.82%。2014年6市的净碳排放量都有所增加。(2)2007—2014年,合肥、淮南和巢湖3市的地均碳排放强度有所增加,其他3市的碳吸收强度有所减少。除巢湖市外,其他5市的建设用地碳排放强度都增大。(3)2014年各县区地均碳排放强度差异显著,建设用地平均碳排放强度较大的是合肥市区、安庆市区、岳西和霍山;合肥市区、安庆市区和淮南市区的地均碳排放强度相对较大。(4)据国内平均造林成本的价格核算,合肥、淮南和巢湖均是生态补偿区,六安、安庆和桐城均是生态受偿区。2007年和2014年合肥市提供的生态补偿资金均最多,分别为27.281亿元、58.777亿元,而六安市生态受偿资金均最多,分别为73.874亿元、69.955亿元。在此基础上,提出完善生态补偿体系与精准扶贫结合、强化技术和智力补偿等政策实施建议和具体碳排放减少途径。 Carbon sink is an important component of ecosystem service value,and its ecological compensation has become one of the research hotspots.Based on the analysis of the spatial difference of carbon emission from 2007 to 2014 in the Dabie Mountain and its surrounding area in Anhui Province,the specific standards of carbon emission ecological compensation were estimated.The results show that:(1) From 2007 to 2014,the total of carbon emission increased by 1 716.96 million tons,with an average annual growth rate of 6.2%,while Hefei's total carbon emissions increased the most (accounting for 67.28%).The total carbon emissions from construction land increased by 17.247 6 million tons (accounting for 69.52% of the total),with an average annual growth rate of 9.82%.In 2014,the net carbon emission of six cities were increased.(2) The carbon emission intensity had all increased in Hefei City,Huainan City and Chaohu City,while the carbon absorption intensity of the other three cities had decreased from 2007 to 2014.Except for Chaohu City,the carbon emission intensity of construction land in other five cities were increased.(3) There was a significant difference in the carbon emission intensity between all counties and districts.The average carbon emission intensity of construction land were higher in Hefei urban areas,Anqing urban areas,Yuexi County and huoshan County.The average carbon emission intensity in Hefei urban areas,Anqing urban areas and Huainan urban areas is relatively large.(4) According to the price calculation of the average planting cost in China,the ecological compensation funds provided by Hefei City,Huainan City and Chaohu City and accepted by Lu’an City,Anqing City and Tongcheng City.In 2007 and 2014,the ecological compensation funds provided by Hefei City were the most,2.728 billion yuan and 5.877 billion yuan respectively,while accepted by Lu’an City were the most,7.3874 billion yuan and 6.995.5 billion yuan respectively.On this basis,it proposes suggestions for improving the ecological compensation system,combining with targeted poverty alleviation,strengthening technology and intellectual compensation,and specific carbon emission reduction method.
作者 孙贤斌 王升堂 孙良萍 张欣 SUN Xianbin;WANG Shengtang;SUN Liangping;ZHANG Xin(College of Environment and Tourism,Wanxi University,Lu’an 237012,China;College of Accounting,Anhui University of Finance&Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
出处 《安庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2019年第4期89-95,共7页 Journal of Anqing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 安徽高校省级自然科学重点研究项目(KJ2018A0418,KJ2016A746) 安徽高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(gxyqZD2016246) 2017年度省级质量工程项目(2017jyxm0393) 皖西学院校级质量工程项目(2016wxxy31,wxxy2018031)
关键词 碳排放 生态补偿 空间差异 安徽省大别山区 carbon emission ecological compensation spatial differences Dabie Mountains in Anhui Province
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