
翻转课堂与大学英语教学:多种教学法的混合模式初探 被引量:3

Flipped Classroom and College English Teaching:A Preliminary Study on Hybrid Model of Teaching Methods
摘要 通过对中英文文献中翻转课堂模式下所采用的课堂外、内活动进行教学法归类,构建大学英语翻转课堂混合教学模式。经过一个学期的教学实践,学生的英语听说成绩有显著提升。但同时也发现,学生在课后需要投入比以往更多的时间和精力;教师在视频制作、任务设计、课堂管理等方面需要花费更多精力。这一模式对教师自身的英语语言能力、交际能力、语言学修养以及教学法的运用等也提出了更高的要求。 This paper constructs a hybrid teaching mode of college English based on the flipped classroom by classifying the activities of the outside and inside the classroom in the Chinese and English literature.After a semester of teaching practice,students ' English listening and speaking results have been significantly improved,but it also told us that students need to invest more time and energy after class while the teacher needs to spend more energy in video production,task design and classroom management.This model also puts forward higher requirements for teachers ' own English language ability,communicative ability,linguistic accomplishment and the application of teaching method.
作者 蒋鸿基 JIANG Hongji(Guangxi Science&Technology Normal University,Laibin,Guangxi 546199,China)
出处 《广西科技师范学院学报》 2019年第5期132-136,共5页 Journal of Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University
关键词 翻转课堂 大学英语教学 教学法混合模式 Flipped classroom College English teaching Hybrid model of teaching method
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