
牢记嘱托,不忘兴农报国使命 被引量:1

摘要 2019年9月,习近平总书记给全国涉农高校的书记校长和专家代表回信。总书记的回信充分肯定了涉农高校的积极贡献,渗透着对农业农村工作的高度重视和对广大农业科研教育工作者的嘱托。师生们一致认为,习近平总书记的回信内涵丰富、意义深远,令人振奋、催人进取,为今后涉农高校发展提供了根本遵循。 Agriculture-related colleges and universities are an important part of China’s higher education system. Over the years, they have made great achievements in talents cultivation, scientific research innovation and social services, making positive contributions to the development of China’s "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" endeavors. General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the secretary, president and expert representatives of agriculture-related colleges and universities, greatly inspiring all the teachers and students of agriculture-related colleges and universities, and providing ideological guidance and action program for the current and future development of agriculture-related colleges and universities. Looking forward to the future, agricultural universities should firmly adhere to the socialist direction of running and the basic task of moral, academic and practical training of talents, use Neo-Agriculture Education Construction as an opportunity to focus on the characteristic and connotation development, cultivate more agri-science-trained and agriculture-loving type talents, take agriculture strengthening and prosperity as a noble duty, provide services to the whole agricultural industry and regional and national demands, in the final analysis, boost agriculture rural modernization.
作者 李大胜
出处 《中国农业教育》 2019年第5期7-7,1,14,共3页 China Agricultural Education
关键词 报国 农业农村工作 高校发展 教育工作者 总书记 农业科研 习近平 校长 Moral,Academic and Practical Training of Talents Direction of Educational Programs Agri-science-trained and Agriculture-loving Neo-Agriculture Education Cross-disciplinary Integration
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