
基于动网格技术楔形双闸板闸阀开启特性分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Opening Characteristics of Wedge Double Gate Valve Based on Dynamic Mesh Technology
摘要 为分析DN225型楔形双闸板闸阀开启过程中复杂的流态问题,得出其流态、阀后涡街等参数特性,通过Fluent流体动力学、动网格技术及用户自定义函数(UDF)的方法研究了楔形双闸板闸阀的开启过程。结果表明:在小开度情况下,喉口效应使得流态呈射流状态,涡流长度可达管径的7倍,并且随着闸板的开启,涡区呈长度缩短、高度减少的规律变化,最终涡区在闸板右上角消失,流体趋于稳态;DN225型楔形双闸板闸适合用作为开关阀,不适合用于调节。 In order to analyze the complex flow pattern in the opening process of DN225 wedge double gate valve and obtain the flow pattern and the vortex street behind the valve,fluent hydrodynamics,dynamic grid technology and user-defined function (UDF) were used to investigate the opening process of wedge double gate valves. The results show that in the case of small opening,the throat effect makes the flow state in jet state,and the length of eddy current can reach 7 times of the diameter of the pipe. With the opening of the gate,the length and height of the eddy area decrease regularly,and the eddy area disappears at the upper right corner of the gate,and the fluid tends to be steady. The research results also show that DN225 wedge double gate is suitable for use as a switch valve and not suitable for use in regulating valve.
作者 刘惺 何庆中 王佳 赵献丹 廖伯权 LIU Xing;HE Qing-zhong;WANG Jia;ZHAO Xian-dan;LIAO Bo-quan(Mechanical Engineering College,Sichuan University of Science & Engineering,Yibin 644000,China)
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2019年第26期215-219,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 四川省教育厅创新团队项目(17TD0026) 四川理工学院研究生创新基金(y2018029)资助.
关键词 楔形双闸板闸阀 启闭特性 动网格 喉口效应 wedge-shaped double gate valve opening and closing characteristics dynamic mesh throat effect
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