
增程式电动轿车全生命周期节能减排效果分析 被引量:2

Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Extended-range Electric Vehicle
摘要 目前,我国对环境污染和资源消耗愈发重视,新能源汽车纯电动化进程不断加快。增程式电动轿车作为纯电动化的过渡车型,节能减排效果到底如何需要深入研究。因此,文章采用全生命周期评价方法(LCA),选取市场上一款增程式经典乘用车车型为研究对象,基于Gabi软件构建模型,并输出节能减排分析报告。结果表明,增程式电动轿车在原材料获取和运行使用阶段资源消耗和环境影响最大,并提出电能结构优化,汽车轻量化设计,报废回收等建议,以达到节能减排的目的。 At present, our country on the environment pollution and resource consumption more seriously, accelerating the process of new energy automobile electric. Extended range electric vehicle as the transition of pure electric vehicles, energy conservation and emissions reduction effect what needs further research. Therefore, the whole life cycle assessment method (LCA) is adopted in this paper, and to select a classic extended range electric vehicle in the market as the research object, build the model based on Gabi software, and output an analysis report on energy conservation and emission reduction. The results show that the resource consumption and environmental impact of the extended range electric vehicle are the biggest in the stage of raw material acquisition and operation, and the Suggestions of power structure optimization, vehicle lightweight design and scrap recycling are put forward to achieve the purpose of energy conservation and emission reduction.
作者 方海峰 陈轶嵩 许海波 Fang Haifeng;Chen Yisong;Xu Haibo(1.TianJin University,Tianjin 300192;China automotive Technology Research Center Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300300;Chang’an University,Shaanxi Xi’an 710064)
出处 《汽车实用技术》 2019年第20期22-25,共4页 Automobile Applied Technology
关键词 增程式电动轿车 全生命周期评价 Gabi 节能减排 Extended-range electric vehicle Life cycle evaluation Gabi Energy conservation and emissions reduction
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