

A Case Report: BIAN Songjing’s Treating EV71-infected Hand,Foot and Mouth Disease Complicated with Viral Meningitis by Using Qingying and Baihu Decoction
摘要 此例EV71型手足口病合并脑炎为4岁女童,自发病之日起先后应用物理降温、非甾体抗炎药、丙种球蛋白、甲强龙、甘露醇、利巴韦林等,病情仍难以控制,体温持续升高,合并头痛、呕吐、口唇紫绀,卞师以"手足口病泛发疱疹乃是温病营分证表现”立论,处以大剂清营汤合白虎汤,两剂后体温即控制,三天即症情平稳脱离危险,足见卞师辨证之精准,用药之神效,亦可知中医治疗温病急症实有其独到之处,有待深入研究。 In this case, a 4-year-old girl suffered with severe hand, foot and mouth disease ( HFMD) infected with enterovirus 71 ( EV71 ) and complicated with viral meningitis and neurogenic pulmonary edema( NPE). Since the beginning of disease, she had been treated with physical cooling, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug( NS AID), gamma-globulin, urbason mannitol, ribavirin without any efficacy. She still has consistent fever with headache, vomiting, cyanosis of mouth and lip. Dr. BIAN treated her with Qingying and Baihu Decoction according to the TCM theory that red macules and rashes indicate to blood-heat syndrome. After two decoctions of controlling body temperature, the patient had been cured out of danger. This is a successful classic cured to prove Dr. BIAN s precise syndrome differentiation and effecitve prescriptions. There are unique advantages of Chinese medicine in emergency case with more deep researches.
作者 贺晓立 徐立思 王军 余静 卞嵩京 HE Xiaoli;XU Lisi;WANG Jun;YU Jing;BIAN Songjing(Ningbo Huamei Hospital Affiliated to China Academic University, Ningbo 315000, China;Shanghai Literature Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200020, China)
出处 《中医文献杂志》 2019年第5期48-50,共3页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature
关键词 清营汤合白虎汤 经方 重症EV71型手足口病 病毒性脑炎 名医经验 Qingying and Baihu Decoction classical prescriptions severe hand,foot and mouth disease(HFMD) infected with EV71 viral meningitis famous doctors’ experiences
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