
紫外、磁化和超声对超滤膜表面微生物污染的影响 被引量:1

Effects of UV,Magnetization and Ultrasonic on Microbial Contamination on Ultrafiltration Membrane Surface
摘要 探讨了紫外、磁化和超声3种技术措施对超滤膜污染的影响,并对3个样品及对照样品(仅超滤)的膜表面微生物16S rRNA基因进行高通量测序,分析其微生物群落结构的组成、丰度及多样性,通过PCR图和热图对比3种技术对膜表面微生物的影响。结果表明,紫外——超滤的膜表面微生物群落总数和种类与其他样品相比有明显差异,其群落总数仅是对照样品的30%,群落种类个数也明显减少;4个样品的微生物在门水平上主要以Proteobacteria、Planctomycetes、Bacteroidetes和 Acidobacteria 为优势类群,在属水平上则主要以 SMIA02、Planctomyces、Pirellula 和Amphiplicatus为优势菌属。样品之间存在着共同的微生物类群,但也存在不同的微生物类群,其中紫外——超滤膜表面的生丝微菌(Hyphomicrobium)也是其优势菌属;从运行效果上看,紫外因其减少了超滤膜的微生物污染可有效降低TMP。 The effects of UV, ultrasonic and magnetization techniques on ultrafiltration membrane fouling were investigated. High-throughput sequencing of microbial 16S rRNA gene on the surface of ultrafiltration membrane was carried out to analyze the composition, abundance and diversity of microbial community structure. PCR and heat plots were used to compare the effects of three techniques on microorganism of the membrane surface. The results showed that the total number and types of microbial colonies on the surface of the UV-ultrafiltration ( UV-UF) membrane were significantly different from those of other samples. The total number of colonies of UV group was 30% of the ultrafiltration membrane, and the number of community species was also significantly reduced. Proteobacteria, Planctomycetes , Bacteroidetes and Acidobacteria were dominant groups at the phylum level, and SMI AO2, Planctomyces, Pirellula and Amphiplicatus were dominant at the genus level. It was not only the same microbial groups among the samples, but also had the different microbial groups. Among them,Hyphomicrobium on the surface of the UV-UF membrane also became the dominant genus. On the operational effect, UV could effectively reduce TMP because it reduced the microbial contamination of ultrafiltration membrane.
作者 张晓岚 王卫军 潘俊杰 金其祥 温颖 杨旭 尚风雷 ZHANG Xiao-Ian;WANG Wei-jun;PAN Jun-jie;JIN Qi-xiang;WEN Ying;YANG Xu;SHANG Feng-lei(Beijing Engineering Research Center for Drinking Water Quality,Beijing Waterworks Group Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100089,China)
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第19期82-86,92,共6页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07108002)
关键词 超滤 膜污染 紫外 磁化 超声 生物多样性 ultrafiltration membrane fouling UV magnetization ultrasound biodiversity
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