
翻译过程中的图式化 被引量:1

Schematicity in Translation Process
摘要 图式是人类对现实世界规律内在、抽象的反映,图式化体现了事体的抽象程度,并具体呈现为心智图形、意象图式、事件结构等。翻译过程中首先要分析源语的语言结构,揭示其隐含的图式化层次及其侧显方式,然后再根据译者的需要对其进行重新编码。研究发现,在源语事体、意象图式、侧显特征、编码方式和翻译方法之间存在以下共变关系:如果源语和目标语的意象图式及其侧显方式相同则语言编码及翻译方法往往相同;如果源语和目标语的意象图式及其侧显方式不同则语言编码和翻译方法往往不同。本文通过对图式化理论的探讨和翻译过程的分析,试图说明以意象图式为基础的翻译原则应关注以下方面:①源语和目标语的意象图式及其侧显是否一致;②源语和目标语所传达的事体和含义是否一致;③源语和目标语的文体风格是否一致;④译文和源语在功能上是否保持一致,是否达到了翻译的目的。 Schema is people’s internal abstraction of the laws of the world. Schematicity refers to the different degrees of abstraction of the state of affairs which may take on the forms of mental pictures, image schemata, event structures and so on. In the process of translation the prime factor is the analysis of the linguistic structure of the source language, exposing its potential schematicity levels and ways of their profiling before recoding them in line with the purpose and needs of the translator. The study shows that there lies a covariant between state of affairs, image schema, profiles of the source language and ways of encoding and translation towards the target language. the ways of encoding and translation will be the same or similar if the image schema and its profiles behind the two languages are the same or similar;the ways of encoding and translation will be varied if they go the other way around. The paper explores into the literature of schematicity and revisits the translation process in order to demonstrate that the translation principles should focus on the following:①whether the schemas and profiling of the original and the target texts are the same or similar;②whether the state of affairs or the connotation of the original and the target texts are the same or similar;③whether they have the same or a similar linguistic style;and ④whether they are the same or similar in function or arrive at the purpose of the translation.
作者 杨朝军 YANG Chaojun
出处 《英语研究》 2019年第2期115-127,共13页 English Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“基于语料库的非人称构式认知研究”(16BYY180)的阶段性成果
关键词 事体 图式化 侧显方式 翻译方法 state of affairs schematicity ways of profiling translation methods
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