
稻米油对涂抹型再制干酪流变特性的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Rice Oil on Rheological Properties of Spread Processed Cheese
摘要 研究稻米油添加量对涂抹再制干酪流变特性的影响,以切达干酪为原料,添加不同量的稻米油制备涂抹再制干酪,测定不同振荡频率下涂抹再制干酪的储能模量(G’)和损耗模量(G’’),并观察稻米油添加量不同的涂抹再制干酪到达黏弹性变化临界点温度(融化温度)的差异。结果表明:涂抹再制干酪G’和G’’随稻米油添加量的增大而减小,到达黏弹性变化临界点的温度也随稻米油添加量的增大而降低,其中稻米油添加量25%、50%两个样品间的临界点温度降低幅度最大,为2.45℃。因此涂抹再制干酪中稻米油添加量控制在50%以下较为适宜。 This work aimed to study the effect of rice oil addition on rheological properties of spread processed cheese. Spread processed cheeses were prepared from Cheddar cheese with different amounts of rice oil added, and their storage modulus (G’) and the loss modulus (G”) were measured at different oscillation frequencies. The critical temperatures (melting temperature) for viscoelasticity changes of the processed cheeses were observed and compared. The results showed that G’and G”decreased with rice oil addition, and so did melting temperature. The greatest decrease in melting temperature (2.45℃) was observed with the addition of 25% or 50% rice oil. This led us to conclude that the addition of rice oil to spread processed cheese should be controlled at less than 50%.
作者 徐杭蓉 郑远荣 刘振民 XU Hangrong;ZHENG Yuanrong;LIU Zhenmin(Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Dairy Biotechnology, State Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology,Dairy Research Institute, Bright Dairy and Food Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200436, China)
出处 《乳业科学与技术》 2019年第5期1-3,共3页 JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
基金 上海乳业生物工程技术研究中心项目(19DZ2281400)
关键词 稻米油 涂抹型再制干酪 流变特性 rice oil spread processed cheese rheological properties
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