
12-14世纪回鹘人名中的家族标识成分及其产生原因 被引量:7

Family Indicating Elements of Uighur Names from the 12th to the 14th Century and Its Origin
摘要 普遍认为,元代的回鹘人(畏兀儿)与其他色目人一样,属于“无姓之人”,只有名而无姓。据汉文文献可复原哈飒不华、廉氏和贯云石三个生活在中原地区的回鹘家族的谱系及其成员的本族人名。其男性家族成员人名的最后位置都有相同的词汇标示其家族出身。这种家族标识成分跨越代际传承,一定程度上起到了姓氏的作用。廉氏、贯云石家族的案例显示,即使在回鹘家族取汉姓、汉名之后,这种命名传统也得到保留。早在蒙古汗国崛起以前,该现象已出现在西州回鹘王国。回鹘文出土文书中可见相关证据。其产生的契机可能是12世纪西辽对中亚东西部的统一。西州回鹘被纳入多族群、多语境的帝国体系中,受到突厥穆斯林的文化影响,部分回鹘人开始在人名最后添加家族标识成分。 It is widely accepted that Uighurs, like other Semurs 色目 in the Yuan Dynasty of China, were people without surnames. On the basis of Chinese sources of the Yuan Dynasty, the lineages of 3 Uighur families (those of Hasa Buhua, Lian, and Guan Yunshi) in the Yuan Dynasty can be reconstructed along with the personal names of their members. The male members had already shared elements in their personal names to imply the families which they came from. These shared elements were put in the last place of a personal name, and passed on from generation to generation, playing the role of a surname to some degree. The cases of the strongly Sinicized families of Lian 廉 and Guan Yunshi 贯云石 reveal that they kept their family indicating elements even after they had already adopted Chinese surnames. The case of Lian family also shows that this naming method had already been adopted by Uighurs back to pre-Mongol period in the West Uighur Kingdom. Uighur manuscripts also proved the existence of this naming method in the West Uighur Kingdom. It is likely that the practice of indicating elements in the last place of personal names originated from the cultural contact with Turkic Muslims from Central Asia. Qara Khitai’s conquest of Central Asia in the 12th century probably encouraged this practice to be prevalent among old Uighurs, as they were incorporated into an empire and felt the need to identify their origin within a multiple ethnic and linguistic environment.
作者 付马 Fu Ma
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期81-93,141,共14页 Ethno-National Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“唐元之间丝绸之路天山廊道的转型与发展研究”(项目编号:18CZS074)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 西州回鹘 人名 家族标识成分 廉氏 西辽 West Uighur personal name family indicating elements Lian family Qara Khitai
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