

The Great Wall of Steel for Peace and Security of New China
摘要 中国人民解放军是中国共产党创建和领导的人民军队。中华人民共和国成立后,中国人民解放军继续完成解放战争的任务,先后解放了全国大陆和大部分沿海鹳屿;组成中国人民志愿军进行抗美援朝战争,打破了美国不可战胜的神话,打出了中华人民共和国的国威和人民军队的军威;通过剿匪、平息西藏武装叛乱等巩固了新生的人民政权,为国家开展社会主义建设创造了安定的社会环境;解放一江山岛,炮击金门,维护了一个中国原则;进行了多次边境自卫反击作战,有力地捍卫了中国领土主权;积极参加和支援国家建设,为国家的繁荣富强做出了重要贡献。在中共中央和中央军委的领导下,中国人民解放军以全心全意为人民服务为宗旨,忠实履行职能使命,建立了不可磨灭的历史功勋,不愧为新中国和平与安全的钢铁长城。 The Chinese People's Liberation Army(the PLA) is the people's army created and led by the CPC. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the PLA continued to complete the task of the War of Liberation and successively liberated the entire mainland and most of the coastal islands;form the Chinese People's Volunteer Army to carry out the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, break the myth of the invincible United States and play the national power of the People's Republic of China and the military power of the People's Army;consolidate the newly emerged people's power by suppressing the bandits and quelling the armed rebellion in Tibet and create a stable social environment for the country to carry out socialist construction, liberate Yijiangshan Island, shell Kinmen and uphold the One-China principle;cany out many counter-attacks in self-defense of the border and effectively defend China's territorial sovereignty;actively participate in and support national construction and make important contributions to the prosperity of the country. Under the leadership of the Central Committee of the CPC and the Central Military Commission of the CPC, the PLA, serving the people wholeheartedly as its purpose, faithfully fulfilled its functional mission, established an indelible historical merit and been worthy of being the Great Wall of Steel for peace and security of New China.
作者 齐德学 Qi Dexue
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 2019年第5期23-34,249,共13页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 中国人民解放军 中华人民共和国 钢铁长城 保家卫国 the Chinese People's Liberation Army the People's Republic of China the Great Wall of Steel protect homes and defend counties
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