

On mineral resources export restrictions under WTO rules and its suggestions
摘要 无序开采稀土等重要矿产资源,会给生命安全造成严重威胁;矿产资源的开采,会带来严重的污染问题,环境保护问题日益严峻。为了保护环境和生命安全,有必要采取措施限制稀缺性矿产资源的开采和出口。直接对矿产资源进行出口限制违反我国入世议定书第11.3条规定,并已经引发了多个WTO争端案件。通过对“稀土案”进行分析,总结采取矿产资源出口限制措施中应对的得失。我国是WTO成员国,在限制矿产资源出口时应按照WTO和中国入世议定书相关规则进行。在最惠国待遇原则的前提下,对矿产资源采取出口限制措施时,应通过与主要进口国协商互动的方式解决。 As mineral resource mining causes a lot of problems,such as severe pollution,environmental deterioration,mineral resources exporting country has to take measures to tackle them.According to the GATT 1994,when it comes to necessary to protect human,animal or plant life or health,or relating the conservation of exhaustible natural resources,the exporting country can take effective restrictions on mineral resources.However,China s imposition of export duties on minerals resources is inconsistent with paragraph 11.3 of China s Accession Protocol.After carefully analyzing the cases of “Rare Earths”,it is necessary for China to be cautious,once it takes restriction measures.As a member of WTO,China needs to observe the rules of WTO.Before taking export restrictions on mineral resources,China has to be more flexible by establishing an international consultation and compensation mechanism under the most-favored-nation principle.
作者 刘江山 LIU Jiangshan(School of Law,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2019年第A02期20-23,共4页 China Mining Magazine
关键词 出口限制 出口配额 出口关税 进口限制协议 export restriction export quota export tariff import restriction agreement
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