
公众参与视角下旧城社区更新规划的转型与应对——以厦门沙坡尾社区为例 被引量:17

The Transformation and Response of Urban Regeneration Under the Background of Public Participation——Taking Shapowei Community in Xiamen as Reference
摘要 随着我国城市发展由增量扩张向存量优化的转型,旧城更新成为城市规划的一项重要议题.随着公众参与意识的增强,传统自上而下的管理方式在旧城社区治理中逐渐出现弊端.本文以厦门沙坡尾传统社区为例,对其更新规划历程进行分析,研究从政府主导开发,到以公众参与为导向展开共同缔造的规划转型,探讨参与式规划引入社区更新的必要性. Over the past two decades, the government has always kept an absolute leadership in the game during the most urban renewal processes in China. With the multiple identities as city manager, stakeholder and arbitrator, the government manages the spatial resources of the city by exercising executive power and strengthens the intervention in spatial production. In the renewal of old city, the government attaches importance to the development value of the old city, and hopes to build it as a new space for urban development, while the capital pays attention to its economic value. Since the demands of the both sides, to a certain extent, correspond to each other in terms of spatial production, plenty of demolition and reconstruction for urban renewal begin to appear. However, Shapowei is not the case. Its renewal process for more than ten years also indicates the changes in the society and policy environment during the development process of different cities. This article would take Shapowei Community as entry point to analyze and compare the process of urban planning and regeneration. The Shapowei area has undergone the renewal plans several times from the beginning of 2003. 1) The first version of renewal plan was in 2003. It centered on the economic development led by the government. While the demolition and reconstruction of all buildings would maximize the land value and economic returns, the plan wasn’t implemented for it would destroy the historical texture of the city and result in the huge compensation for demolition. 2) The second version of renewal plan was in 2011. Promoted by developers, this plan aimed at promoting the development of community business. The advantages of this plan was that it put forward the protection for urban fabric and historic character. The proposed model of industry replacement promoted the commercial development of tourism in the Shapowei community and it directly promoted the gentrification development of the community. Without the participation of the government, however, the infrastructure, environment and material space weren’t improved. 3) The third version of renewal plan was in 2015. It was characterized by the government-led renovation of material space. While the starting point of the plan was to improve the community environment, it met with opposition from local residents and Xiamen citizens becasuse Shapowei was unilaterally positioned as a tourist and leisure area. 4) The fourth version of renewal plan was in 2016. This plan took the relationship between “people” and “community” as a starting point. Through establishing a “Jointly-created Workshop”, it built a platform for discussion consisting of the grass-roots government, the community residents, all the interest groups, the fishermen, the public media, the community organizations and etc. All of them could work together to make decisions on the renewal plan and development direction of the community. The core missions of the workshop included the following four aspects: firstly, to create a consensus on community development and promote the public participation;secondly, to solve the problem of Fishing Ban, understand how fishermen participate in the future development of the community and set up a plan for the return of fishing boats;thirdly, to make a plan aiming at cultivating community culture and increase the space for community cultural activities;fourthly, to make up a community action plan and guarantee the steadfast implementation of the renewal plan. The “Jointly-created Workshop” organized a number of conferences for soliciting public opinions whose attendees included all the interest groups. Various social groups including fishermen, local residents, experts and scholars, enthusiasts and the representatives of merchants all expressed their opinions and demands at the meetings. After mixing and grouping, they conducted the in-depth communications and discussions about the common problems raised at the conferences, found the bottleneck problems of the community development and developed the renewal strategies. As a core area of the old city, there have been complicated and diverse social relationships and interest demands, driven by the economic development, in the interior of Shapowei. Therefore, the decline of material space is not the most important bottleneck for the development of Shapowei. It is also far from enough to only rely on the renewal model of spatial transformation or industrial upgrading. It is also necessary to rethink the relationships between “People-Space-Structure” based on the fishery transformation. The adoption of participatory planning not only serves for the purpose of mobilizing the residents to renovate the community environment, but also achieving the reconstruction of social relationships. Through the integrated and effective public participation, the renewal plan continuously makes communication opportunities for the public. They can collide with each other over the ideas, then unite their thoughts and finally reach a consensus. Giving full play to the role of people, it is the most effective way to promote the renovation and development of the old community like Shapowei.
作者 张若曦 王勤 殷彪 ZHANG Ruoxi;WANG Qin;YIN Biao
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 2019年第5期18-26,共9页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51808472)
关键词 旧城 城市更新 规划转型 参与式社区规划 Heritage Downtown Urban Regeneration Transformation of Planning Participatory Community Planning
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