

The Landscape Change of the Cities along the Silk Road in Afghanistan and Its National Governance
摘要 阿富汗的主要城市临边临界,地理景观丰富多样,战略意义重要,孕育了宝贵的文明。早在上古时期,阿富汗所处的地域已经开始参与青金石的跨区域贸易,而在"丝绸之路"兴盛时期,阿富汗位于"丝绸之路"沿线的城市全面参与了亚欧地区的贸易,呈现繁荣景象。生活在城市及周边区域的人们的生计和对国家的认同都受到了城市贸易体系的影响,形成了明显的地域性特点,固化了人们对城市的认同。阿富汗民族国家是在陆上丝绸之路衰落,城市贸易功能相对下降而战略意义有所上升的时期形成的。进入重建阶段,为重建提供所需的物质基础既是阿富汗现代化进程的主要任务,也是"一带一路"建设与沿线国家合作的重要内容,出现在阿富汗的铁路、公路、航运、天然气管道、藏红花产业等都是前所未有的新鲜事物,古老的丝绸之路已经演进为"铁-气新丝路"。一个紧密连接周边区域的运输和贸易网络初步形成,城市化不断加深,在全球供应链中的作用与功能逐渐体现,阿富汗人的生计随着国家经济参与到全球一体化供应链而发生了相应的变化。阿富汗人对于国家的认同有所加强,但是塔利班割据与毒品经济的存在又对阿富汗城市地理景观造成极大的不利影响,给国家治理和"一带一路"建设带来新的挑战,城市地理景观变迁也给战后阿富汗的治理带来了全新的内容。 The location of Afghanistan poses a great strategy meaning, within which the major cities lie in the borders of the nation with their diversity landscapes and containing valuable civilizations. The place where modern Afghanistan locates began to participate the trans-regional trade of lapis lazuli in the antiquity time. Nevertheless, the cities along the Silk Road in their culminate time in ancient Afghanistan were involved into the trade of Eurasia in all aspects and had flourished. The livelihood of people in and near the cities and the recognition of the nation both had been affected by the structure of the trade of the city and all shaped luminous regional characteristics. And the identity of the city is fixed by this structure vice versa. When the Silk Road waned, the Afghan nation has shaped. Because the functions of the trade of the city declined, which strategy meaning raised relatively. When the re-constructive era coming, in order to supply the material bases for the re-construction is not only the major mission of the modernization process of Afghanistan but the important contents of the Belt and Road construction cooperation among the countries along the routes as well. It is never happened before that a lot of new things have been mushrooming in Afghanistan, such as railway road, flight routes, gas-pipe line, saffron industry. The ancient Silk Road has already promoted as the New Iron and Gas Silk Road. At present a network of transportation and trade closely connected with the neighboring countries has formed, at which the urbanization has further developed and the roles or functions of the supply chain has emerged quietly. The livelihood of Afghan people has had a synchronous change with the economy participating in the global integration of supply chain. Although the national identity has strengthened, the Taliban regimes and drug economy not only create greatly negative affects to the landscape of the cities of Afghanistan but also take new challenges to the national governance and the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. The change of the city landscape brings new reflect for the governance of Afghanistan.
作者 何可人 HE Keren
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2019年第5期90-107,156,共19页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 丝绸之路 地理景观 城市 国家治理 变迁 Silk Road Landscape City Change Nation Governance Change
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