
从文字的传播与演变看印度文化对泰国文化的影响 被引量:2

The Influence of Indian Culture on Thai Culture through the Prism of the Spread and Evolution of Writing System
摘要 从公元5世纪起,印度帕拉瓦文字逐渐传播到东南亚各地并在8世纪产生第一代字形变体--后帕拉瓦文字。10世纪左右,高棉人与孟人在熟练掌握前两种文字的基础上创制了古高棉文字与古孟文字。随着疆域变化与民族迁徙,古高棉文字与古孟文字传入到现在的泰国境内并为泰人所掌握。1283年,兰甘亨国王以古高棉文字为原型,参考了古孟文字的部分特征,创制了泰文。此后,无论是字母还是正字法规则等,为适应泰语发展而不断调整。立泰王、戴莱洛伽王、六世王、銮披汶·颂堪等都在原有泰文体系的基础上进行了改革,泰文朝元音-音素文字方向发展。在古孟文与泰文基础上,泰国境内又分别产生了兰纳泰文、豆荚泰文、尼贴泰文、小泰文和多坦文等文字变体。通过分析帕拉瓦文字在泰国的传播与演变,可以发现印度文化不仅影响了泰国文字的产生,还影响了泰国文字的分化与演变,这些印度系文字变体丰富了泰国文化的多样性。印度文化对泰国文化的影响不是一蹴而就的,这个过程不但经历了高棉人与孟人等多条线路和多个中转站,泰人还结合本土文化对印度文化进行了"再创造"。 From the 5 th century AD, Indian Pallava Script gradually spread toSoutheast Asia and produced the first generation of glyph variant in the 8 th century, Post-Pallava Script. Around the 10 th century, Khmer and Mon created Old Khmer Script and Old Mon Script on the basis of mastering the first two scripts. With the change of territory and migration of ethnic groups, Old Khmer Script and Old Mon Script were introduced into the territory of modern Thailand and mastered by the Thai people. In 1283, King Ramkhamhaeng took Old Khmer Script as the prototype and created Thai Script by referring to some features of Old Mon Script. Since then, the Thai writing system has been adapting to the development of Thai language in terms of letters and orthographic rules. King Lithai, Somdet Phra Borommatrailokkanat, Rama VI, Plaek Phibun Songkhram and so on all reformed the original Thai writing system and developed towards the direction of alphabet. In addition, different variants were produced in Thailand on the basis of Old Mon Script and Thai Script, such as Lanna Script, Fakkham Script, Nithet Script, Thai Noi Script and Duatham Script. By analyzing the spread and evolution of Indian Pallava script in Thailand, it is found that Indian culture not only influenced the emergence of scripts in Thailand, but also the differentiation and evolution of scripts in Thailand, which greatly enriched the culture of Thailand. However, the influence of Indian culture on Thai culture cannot be achieved overnight. This process not only experienced multiple routes and transfer stations such as Khmer and Mon people, but also combined with the characteristics of Thai native culture to carry out "re-creation" of Indian culture.
作者 陈炜 唐慧 CHEN Wei;TANG Hui
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2019年第5期108-122,156,157,共17页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 泰文字 古高棉文字 古孟文字 泰国文化 印度文化 Thai Script Old Khmer Script Old Mon Script Thai Culture Indian Culture
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