

An Overview of the International Symposium on "The Waterside City:Environmental History Research Toward Future"
摘要 019年8月23—26日,由河北师范大学中国环境史研究中心和历史文化学院联合主办,河北师范大学国际合作交流中心协办的“水边的城市:未来视域下的环境史研究”国际学术研讨会,在河北省石家庄市滹沱河畔美丽的千年古城正定成功举办。来自俄罗斯远东国立交通大学、美国兰斯顿大学、英国斯特灵大学、印尼乌达雅纳大学、秘鲁里卡多帕尔玛大学的国际学者,以及中国社会科学院、中国水利水电科学研究院、清华大学、南开大学、北京师范大学、中国人民大学、复旦大学、厦门大学、上海交通大学等国内重点研究机构和高等院校的学者共70余人出席大会。此次大会还得到中国环境科学学会环境史专业委员会的大力支持。 From August 23 to 26,2019,the International Symposium on“The Waterside City:Environmental History Research Toward Future”sponsored by China Environmental History Research Center and School of History and Culture of Hebei Normal University was held in the ancient town of Zhengding,Hebei Province.Over 70 scholars from more than 30 universities and research institutions at home and abroad participated in the symposium which was also supported by the Environmental History Committee of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences.Advisors,members and Secretary in Chief from the Committee also took part in the symposium and offered suggestions.In the keynote speeches,Professor Chao Xiaohong from the Faculty of History,Xiamen University,Professor Fu Chengshuang,Vice Dean of Faculty of History,Nankai University,ProfessorСергейНиколаевичИванченко(Kudriavtsev Sergey),President of Far Eastern State Transport University,Russia,Professor Xia Mingfang from the Institute of Qing Dynasty,Renmin University of China,Professor Xu Qinghai from the Faculty of Resource and Environment,Hebei Normal University,and Professor I Nyoman Sunarta,Dean of the Tourism Faculty of Udayana University summarized the latest achievements of current environmental history research theories based on their own academic researches,presented the recent trends of empirical case studies and the specific applications of interdisciplinary methods.They also pointed out the academic misunderstandings that need to be clarified and avoided in research.Editor Bao Xiaobing from China Higher Education Press elaborated on the six-volume Environmental History of China compiled by China Environmental History Research Center of HNU led by Professor Dai Jianbing.With water and city as key words,Chinese and overseas scholars discussed ten topics in the plenary sessions,such as“theories and methods of environmental history”,“human,water,and environment in American history”,“city and water in history”,“changes of rivers and water systems”,“local knowledge of regions”and so on.In a word,since its establishment,China Environmental History Research Center of HNU has made great achievements by following the historical traditions based on realities and practicing the Saihanba Spirit,actively responding to the national strategies of promoting ecological progress and building a beautiful China.We will continue to exchange ideas and keep in touch with scholars home and abroad,enhance the influence of the discipline so as to contribute to China’s ecological civilization construction.
作者 刘向阳 邵岩 Liu Xiangyang;Shao Yan
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2019年第4期114-122,127,共10页 Journal of Poyang Lake
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