The formation and development of Russian avant-garde is the result of a series of factors, including the influence of the Western European avant-garde movement, the nurturing and stimulation of social and historical conditions in Russia, and the decisive role of national cultural traditions and national psychological characteristics. There has been a lot of discussion about the international background of the formation of Russian avant-garde and the historical conditions of the domestic society. It roughly defines Russian avant-garde as a new art category that breaks with the tradition and completely starts all over again. The study found that the reason why Russian avant-garde is based on the West but surpasses the West and can lead the Western avant-garde art is that largely attributed to the Russian national cultural tradition and the unique national psychology and way of thinking. This paper attempts to reveal the decisive role of national cultural factors in the formation and development of Russian avant-garde, based on Berdyaev’s views on the characteristics of Russian national psychology, namely nihilism, maximalism, self-contradiction and difficulty in stereotyping.
Russian Literature & Arts