

LIU Yuxi’s Poems in the Perspective of Poetics Criticism in the Ming Dynasty
摘要 明代文人对刘禹锡诗歌的批评受到前代诗论及当时诗学思潮的影响。明初高棅等闽籍文人论诗歌流变,以刘禹锡五古七律为接武、七古五排为余响。宋濂等浙籍诗人标举风雅,认为梦得诗规步少陵,风雅未丧。嘉靖间王世贞、谢榛等格调派诗人认为梦得诗颇具才气,工于辞藻,善于审音,然而神韵不足,格调不高。杨慎则高举六朝派大旗与格调派诗学相抗,欣赏刘诗的“六朝风雅”“柔情绮语”,认为元和后当为第一,对其诗评价最高。明后期许学夷、胡应麟等属七子派后学,仍以格调论诗,他们从音调、骨力、气韵方面评析梦得诗艺术特征。钟惺、谭元春等竟陵派诗人倡导“幽深孤峭”的诗风,对刘诗寄情高远之作颇为欣赏。明代文人的刘禹锡诗歌批评,体现了明代诗学观念的流变,对其观念进行深入辨析,有助于加深对明代唐诗接受状况的理解。 The criticism of LIU Yuxi's poems by the writers of the Ming dynasty was influenced by the poetry theory of the previous dynasties and the poetic trends of the present dynasty. In discussing the evolution of poetry, GAO bing and other Fujian writers in the early Ming dynasty regarded LIU Yuxi's five-character ancient poems and seven-character metrical poems as inheritors, and his seven-character ancient poems and five-character metrical poems as echoes. Songlian and other Zhejiang poets believed that LIU Yuxi learned from DU Fu, so his poems had elegant spirit. During Jiajing period, WANG Shizhen and XIE Zhen believed that LIU Yuxi's poems were talented, beautiful in language and voice, but lacked in verve and style. YANG Shen especially appreciated the elegance and tenderness of LIU Yuxi's poems, and belived that his poems were the best during Yuanhe period. In the late Ming dynasty, XU Xu eyi and HU Yinglin commented on the artistic features of LIU Yuxi's poems from the aspects of tone, bone strength and charm. ZHONG Xing and TAN Yuanchun advocated the unique style of poetry and appreciated LIU Yuxi's broad-minded poetry very much. The criticism of LIU Yuxi's poems, by the writers of the Ming dynasty reflected the change of the concept of poetry in the Ming dynasty.
作者 任永安 REN Yongan(Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450000, China)
出处 《天中学刊》 2019年第5期87-92,共6页 Journal of Tianzhong
基金 中原工学院项目“基于分布式学习理念的《中国古代文学》课程教学模式改革研究”
关键词 刘禹锡 诗歌 明代 诗学批评 LIU Yuxi poems the Ming Dynasty poetics criticism
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