

Research on Design Strategy of External Environmental Defense Safety in Residential Quarters of Changchun City
摘要 伴随时代飞速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,人们在基本居住需求得到满足的同时,对居住建筑品质,居住小区环.境和居住是否安全等方面,提出了进一步要求。本文结合长春市既有城市特征,参考国内外居住小区外环境安全设计案例,对长春市居住小区外环境安全设计策略加以阐述。 With the rapid development of the times and the increasing improvement of people's living standards, people have met the basic living needs, at the same time, put forward further requirements on the quality of residential buildings, residential environment and residential safety. Combining with the existing urban characteristics of Changchun City and referring to the design cases of external environmental safety of residential areas at home and abroad, this paper expounds the design strategies of external environmental safety of residential areas in Changchun City.
作者 肖惠瀛 郭晓慧 XIAO Huiying;GUO Xiaohui(Jilin Architecture And Civil Engineering Institute Jilin Changchun 130111)
出处 《IT经理世界》 2019年第2期131-132,共2页
基金 吉林建筑大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目。
关键词 居住建筑 外环境设计 防卫安全 Residential building External environment design Defense safety
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