麻将术语中有个词叫“门清”,说的是玩家不吃、不碰、不明杠,全凭自己摸牌上听,后引申为在某一方面很在行,是业内中人或者是熟手.如果你看过一本叫作《鱼翅与花椒》的美食畅销书,就会发现此书作者对于中国美食的了解,完全可以用“门清”来形容.她用了20多年时间全情投入到中餐的研究当中,熟知中餐历史,深谙饮食之道.她写的书曾四次获得有着烹饪餐饮界“奥斯卡”之称的詹姆斯·比尔德奖(James Beard Award)烹饪写作大奖.她叫扶霞·邓洛普(Fuchsia Dunlop),是个地地道道的英国人.
If you have read a best-selling food book called Shark's Fin and Sichuan Pepper, you will find that the author has full understanding of Chinese cuisine. She devoted more than 20 years to the study of Chinese food, learning the histoty of Chinese food and the virtues of eating. Her books have won the James Beard Award for cookery writing four times, the Oscar of the culinary world. Her name is Fuchsia Dunlop and she is English.