Module 5 The Great Sports Personality
2许骋(文/图).适马150-600mm F5-6.3 sports捕捉瞬间的激情[J].数码摄影,2019,0(11):111-117.
3Can You Find[J].小学生时代(大嘴英语),2019,0(10):44-45.
4Sporting Spirit[J].Beijing Review,2019,62(45):2-2.
5杨沙沙.An Interpretation of the Image of Mrs.Warren in Mrs.Warren’s Profession from the Perspective of Freud’s Personality Structure Theory[J].海外英语,2019(17):210-212.
6施毓麟(文/摄).雄霸天下的王者之范 全新宝马X5[J].车迷,2019,0(6):28-33.
7Ran Zou.Thoughts on Promoting the Development of Students’ Personality Using English Community[J].Journal of Contemporary Educational Research,2019,3(1):35-38.
8韩雨真.Interpretation of The Good Earth from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics[J].海外英语,2019(17):254-255.
10Li Jing.Sports and the City Large-scale sports events benefit urban development, raise city profile[J].ChinAfrica,2019,11(11):42-43.