
老年陪护机器人的功能需求调查与分析 被引量:2

Survey and Analysis on the Functional Needs of Elderly Companion Robot
摘要 老年人的心理孤独问题已成为老龄化社会的一项重要问题,而老年情感陪护机器人是利用人工智能解决此问题的一个新途径。为了解当前老年人对陪护机器人的认识程度和功能需求,文章针对部分55岁以上人群开展了问卷调查。分析了不同性别、年龄、文化程度、居住环境、身体状况、自理能力等情况的老年人对老年情感陪护机器人的了解程度以及功能需求方面的差异。结果发现,目前老年人对陪护机器人的了解程度普遍较低,不同年龄段及不同自理能力的老年人对机器人的功能需求表现出较大的差异。机器人的设计需遵照老年人的习惯和偏好,并充分考虑不同情况老年人的需求差异,可探索定制化、模块化的功能设计模式。 The psychological loneliness of the elderly has become an important problem in the aging society. The companion robot is a new way to solve this problem using artificial intelligence. In order to know the current level of understanding and functional needs of the elderly on the companion robot, this paper conducted a questionnaire survey on some people over 55 years old. The differences in the understanding level and functional needs of companion robots between the elderly with different gender, age, education level, living environment, physical condition and self-care ability were analyzed. The results show that the elderly generally have a low understanding level on the companion robot, and the functional needs of the elderly with different age and self-care ability vary greatly. Companion robots should be designed in accordance with the habits and preferences of the elderly, and the needs difference of the elderly in different situations should be fully considered. The mode of customized and modularized functional design can be explored.
出处 《社会福利》 2019年第8期52-57,共6页 Social Welfare
基金 国家重点研发计划“老人情感陪护机器人研制”(2017YFB1304104),负责人:边弘晔
关键词 老年人 陪护机器人 功能需求 The Elderly Companion Robot Functional Needs
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