采用动电势扫描法测定了碳钢在饱和 (NH4 ) 2 CO3溶液中的阳极极化曲线 ,研究了几种缓蚀剂与表面活性剂复配后的协同缓蚀作用 .结果表明 :体系中添加 0 .1 %的四丁基碘化铵 ,缓蚀效率为 5 5 .3 % ;而当0 .0 5 %的四丁基碘化铵与 0 .0 5 %十二烷基硫酸钠复配时 ,协同缓蚀效率可达 89.2 % .应用动电势扫描法能够快速。
The anode polarization curves of 45 # carbon steel in the solution of saturated(NH 4) 2CO 3 were determined using potentodynamic scanning method.Inhibition and synegistic inhibition effect of the several surface active agent and inhibitor were discussed.The conclusion is that adding 0.1% of the (C 4H 9) 4NI in the system,the inhibiting efficiency is 55.3%.As 0.05% (C 4H 9) 4NI and 0.05% C 12 H 25 OSO 3Na sifting,the inhibiting efficiency is 89.2%.The potentodynamic scanning method can determine the corrosion rate and screened inhibitor quickly and simply.
Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science
河北省教育厅科研基金资助项目 (990 110)