
海星黄对肾虚大鼠及肾阳虚志愿者的影响 被引量:1

Effects of asterias gonad on renal asthenia rats and asthenia of renal yang volunteers
摘要 研究海星黄对房劳型大鼠及肾阳虚证志愿者的影响。结果表明,口服给予海星黄2g·d-1,90d后大鼠组的红细胞数、白细胞数、血红蛋白含量、肾指数、睾丸指数和精囊腺指数均比造型组高。海星黄对肾阳虚志愿者总有效率为90%,所有服用本品者未发现任何不良反应。说明海星黄对大鼠肾阳虚具有显著的滋补作用;对肾阳虚证病人有较好的治疗作用。 Effects of asterias gonad on renal asthenia rats and asthenia of renal yang volunteers were studied. The results showed that asterias gonad could increase the numbers of RBC and WBC and the contents of hemoglobin of renal asthenia rats after it was administered to the rats in the dosage of 2g per day for 90 days and the renal index, testis index and seminal vesicle index of the experimental group were also higher than those of control group. The total validity rate of asterias gonad on volunteers of asthenia of renal yang is 90%. No adverse reaction was observed with taking the product. It suggested that asterias gonad had remarkable nourishing effect on renal asthenia rats and therapeutic effect on patients with asthenia of renal yang.
出处 《中国海洋药物》 CAS CSCD 2002年第5期43-45,共3页 Chinese Journal of Marine Drugs
关键词 海星黄 肾虚 大鼠 志愿者 药理 海洋药 Asterias gonad renal asthenia rat volunteers
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