将不同浓度的La(NO3 ) 3 ,Eu(NO3 ) 3 加入白沙枇杷组培苗生根培养基中 ,2 0d后分别调查各处理的生根率、生根数 ,并记录根系生长动态 ;44d后切下各处理的根称重并测定其过氧化物酶及硝酸还原酶的活性。结果表明 ,白沙枇杷生根培养基 1/2MS +IBA 0 5 μmol·L- 1 中加入 1 0~ 3 0 μmol·L- 1 La (NO3 ) 3 ,2 0~ 3 0 μmol·L- 1 Eu(NO3 ) 3 均可显著提高其生根率、促进根的伸长生长和根重量的增加 ,增强根系过氧化物酶及硝酸还原酶的活性。但La(NO3 ) 3 和Eu(NO3 ) 3 对白沙枇杷组培苗生根效应有些差异 ,La(NO3 ) 3 对生根数、根长的增加作用及对过氧化物酶的激活作用比Eu(NO3 ) 3 显著 ,而Eu(NO3 ) 3 对根鲜重的增加、硝酸还原酶的激活作用比La(NO3 ) 3
The La(NO_3)_3 and Eu(NO_3)_3 were added to study the effect of La(NO_3)_3 and Eu(NO_3)_3 on the rooting of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindi.) plantlet in vitro (0.5~100.0 μmol·L -1)in the rooted medium. The rooting rate, the number of root and the state of growth was investigated after transplanting 20 d. The activity of peroxidase, nitrate reductase and fresh weight of roots were determined after transplanting 44 d. The results show that the optimum concentration of La(NO_3)_3(1.0~3.0 μmol·L -1), Eu(NO_3)_3(2.0~3.0 μmol·L -1) in the rooted medium can increase rooting rate and roots fresh weight, promote the elongation of root and raise the activities of peroxidase and nitrate reductase significantly. But the effects are different. La(NO_3)_3 improves the rooting rate, root length and the activities of peroxidase more than that of Eu(NO_3)_3 . Eu(NO_3)_3 does better in increase fresh weigh and the activities of nitrate reductase more than that of La(NO_3)_3.
Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths
苏州大学人才引进基金资助项目 (XQ316 0 11)