目标与地面背景的真实感红外图像合成是红外场景生成和实现其虚拟实时漫游的关键技术 .文中从传热学原理出发 ,综合考虑各种环境因素的影响 ,建立起地面目标 (如坦克 )的热传导模型 ,绘制出坦克在各种状态下的红外图像 .根据计算出的坦克和地面接触后达到热平衡时的温度场分布 ,绘制出真实感较强的坦克与背景的红外合成图像 .利用三维差分法计算并绘制出坦克离去后留下的“红外阴影”效果 ,即地面因原有目标强烈辐射而留下的高于周围区域的温度场分布 ,并绘制出坦克驶离后不同时刻地面背景灰度及彩色的红外图像 ,为倒推某时刻之前红外目标的存在提供了依据 .
Realistic infrared image synthesis of targets and their background is the key techniques to produce infrared scene and realize its virtual walkthrough. Considering the effect of various environment factors, we first establish the thermal model of ground target such as tank based on the principle of heat transfer and draw infrared images of tank at various states. Then we calculate the re-distribution of temperature field after the tanks passing through and draw the infrared synthesis images of tanks and its underlying ground. Finally by using the methods of three-dimensional finite difference, we calculate and render the effect of Infrared Shadow which describes the temperature rising of the center area originally occupied by tanks in comparison with the surrounding area after the tanks are driven away. We also render different gray and color infrared images of the ground at different intervals after the tanks have been driven away. Based on these, we can determine the existence of the infrared targets some time ago.
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金 ( 6 0 0 2 12 0 1)
国家杰出青年基金 ( 6 992 5 2 0 4)
国家自然科学基金 ( 6 98730 39)
国防科技重点实验室基金 ( 0 0 JS6 6 .6 .1.JW0 40 4)资助