苯胺是一种重要的有机化工原料和化工产品 ,由其制得的化工产品和中间体有 30 0多种 ,全球苯胺的生产能力在2 0 0 0年约 2 970kt/a ,目前生产能力已经超过 30 0 0kt/a。目前我国苯胺的生产厂家有 2 0多家 ,总生产能力约为 2 90kt/a ,随着二苯基亚甲基二异氰酸酯 (MDI)需求的扩大 ,对苯胺的需求量将会有较大的增长。针对目前我国苯胺生产状况及存在的问题 ,提出了我国发展苯胺生产建议。
Aniline is not only an important organic chemical raw material,but also an important chemical product. There are more than 300 kinds of chemical products and intermediates derived from it. The global capacity of aniline was about 2,970 kt/a at 2000,and now has exceeded 3,000 kt/a. Currently our country has more than 20 producers of aniline with total capacity of 290 kt/a. It is predicted that the demand for aniline will have larger increase with the expansion of demand for MDI. Directed at the status and existed problems in the production of aniline in our country,this paper puts forward the corresponding development suggestions.
Techno-Economics in Petrochemicals