高等学校经费对高等学校的发展起到至关重要的作用 ,甚至可以理解为是目前影响高等学校快速发展的瓶颈。多元化、多渠道筹措经费是高等学校的一种现实选择 ,然而对如何把握高等学校经费的结构、比例和权重 ,却存在一些模糊的认识 ,缺乏必要的理性分析。本文对财政拨款、学生学费、校办企业、科研服务创收、捐赠、银校合作等六大高等学校经费来源作了深入细致的研究 ,对其现象、原因、规律及发展趋势作了详细阐述 ,对高等学校经费多元化及其量化提出一些操作计划和一些前瞻性意见 。
The funds play an important role in the development of colleges and universities , so much so that lake of funds hinder the fast development of colleges and universities. It is a realistic choice of colleges and universities to raise the funds from many ways , but there exist some confused ideas on how to control the structure , proportion and balance of the funds of colleges and universities , being lake of necessary rational analysis . The article makes a thorough research on the six fund sources of colleges --financial allocation , tuition, college's enterprise ,income from scientific research service , donations , and bank-college cooperation etc . giving a detailed explanation to its phenomenon , cause , regularity and developing tendency . The operation plans and foresight ideas mentioned in the article about the polyways and quality of college funds have some practical significance and theoretical value .
Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education